CIP Codes

The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) provides a taxonomic scheme that supports the accurate tracking and reporting of fields of study and program completion activity. CIP was originally developed by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in 1980, with revisions occurring every ten years.

Program CIP Code

All programs added or edited in PIM must include a current CIP code. To look up the current CIP code there is a “Find” link on the PIM form. This link connects to the 2020 CIP Code Picker and allows a search by a keyword, code, or a CIP area of study.

CIP codes apply to all levels of degrees, minors, or certificates. EWU uses the 6-digit CIP code for programs.

CIP Code Look-Up

Choosing the Correct CIP

Start with selecting the two-digit series that best describes the content of the program and then look for the six-digit CIP code that best describes the program of study. In some cases, instructional programs may be found in one or more series.

Programs that are undifferentiated, non-specified, or generalized should be included in the “general” category at the beginning of a four-digit series, while programs that are specific but do not fit into any of the CIP codes should be included in the 99 “other” category at the end of a series. For example, a degree in Psychology would be reported under 42.0101 Psychology, General, while a degree in Neuropsychology would be reported under 42.9999 Psychology, Other.

CIP codes that include a slash in the title identify alternative or equivalent program titles. CIP codes with the word “and” in the title, identify programs that are so closely related that it does not make sense to separate them. Note that “and” is also used to indicate instructional programs that integrate two programs that stand alone elsewhere in the CIP; in all such instances, this is clearly stated in the definition.

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Mark Ward

Scott Eubanks
