Approver Resources

Proposed curriculum change goes through an approval workflow before it is updated in the Academic Catalog or Banner.

Role of Approver

At each step in the workflow, there is an approval that is needed to move the proposal to the next step. The approval request could be assigned to an individual or a role the individual fulfills.

Roles of approvers include Department Chair, Associate Dean, CPAC, UAC, Dean, and Provost.

Different aspects of the proposal are considered depending on the role of the approver.

How to approve

We are moving to a new CourseLeaf dashboard in late summer 2024 and additional instructions will be posted.

Approvers will receive an email with a link to the course or program to review. Alternatively, an approver may log in to the Approval workflow, choose their name or role, and select the items they are required to review.


The rollback feature is set up to rollback a proposal to an individual step in the approval workflow or back to the proposer. When a proposal is rolled back to the proposer it is removed from the workflow and will need to be resubmitted.

All rollbacks require a comment to be entered, this comment follows the proposal through the approval workflow. The comment notes the date, time, and name of the person who initiated the rollback.

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CPAC Policy Questions? Course and Program Management Policy


Mark Ward

Scott Eubanks
