Edit Catalog

All changes to the catalog narrative are done through the draft edition of the catalog. Login is required with an EWU SSO. Review the Course and Curriculum Calendar for the editing deadline.

What to Edit

A department’s catalog page should be reviewed annually by the department chair, director, or designee. Edits are made in the draft catalog by the department and submitted into the approval workflow by the deadline posted on the Course and Curriculum Calendar.

Additionally, all program catalog pages (BA, BS, MS, Minor, etc.) under the department should be reviewed for content and edits completed and submitted by the deadline. Programs at all levels should have a program preamble that informs the reader what the program is about and can include additional program or grade requirements that are not included in the curriculum.

Content to Review

  • Faculty or chair (this information is the responsibility of the department to update)
  • Program description (major or minor)
  • Punctuation or spelling
  • Pre-professional information
  • Plan of Study
  • Program declaration or admission requirements
  • Program Learning Outcomes (if not updated in a recent program submission)
  • All tabs on a page

New programs, or programs that go through title or degree type change, require a new catalog page. The catalog editor creates a new page when the new program or change has been approved through the approval workflow and informs the program proposer of the new page and the timeline to complete edits.

If a catalog page has not been reviewed or updated by the department it goes through a general review process by the catalog editor and the pages carry over to the next catalog.

Course information does not need to be updated by the department during the catalog editing process. All course additions or changes are added to the catalog after they are approved through the workflow. All courses approved through the workflow to be banked are removed from the catalog by the catalog editor.

Catalog navigation is created and updated by the catalog editor. Any changes to the navigation links should be discussed in advance of any changes. Some navigation can only be updated by the catalog editor.

Who Can Edit

Each catalog page is assigned a Page Owner, this is the person who has access to edit the draft catalog page, and there may be multiple page owners.

The page owners are listed at the bottom of the catalog page when it is open for editing. A report of a department’s pages and page owners can be requested.

Changes in catalog page owners can be requested by submitting a ticket.

How to Edit

Edits are completed in the draft edition of the catalog. Login is required with an EWU SSO.

  1. From the draft catalog home page, navigate to the desired page to edit.
  2. Click the Edit Page tab in the top left corner.
  3. In the body of the page an edit page link will display a yellow pencil icon. Click this link to open the editing environment.
  4. Begin editing. The tools work like a standard word processor. Content that is copy/paste from a document should have all formatting removed and the formatting selected from the catalog page editing tools.
  5. When finished, click OK to save or Cancel to discard changes. Additional edits can be made after saving the recent edits.
  6. Each tab on the page should be reviewed for content updates before submitting the page into the workflow.
  7. Click the green Submit button in the lower right corner of each page to start the publishing workflow.
  8. When the publication deadline approaches the pages must be submitted into the workflow. Review the deadline on the Course and Curriculum Calendar.

Additional tabs may be added to the catalog page by request.

After Submission

All catalog pages go through a review process before publishing to maintain a consistent catalog style. The curriculum residing on the page needs approval through the workflow. 

Need Help? Submit a Ticket!

CPAC Policy Questions? Course and Program Management Policy


Laurie Charles                        509.359.7460
