Picture of a stack of books laying on their side.

Curricular Change

Curricular Change provides access to the CourseLeaf curriculum management system and resources for planning, proposing, and approving curriculum changes. Additionally, it provides information about updating catalog pages and important curriculum cycle deadlines.


Manage Courses

Edit or remove an existing course or propose a new course.


Manage Programs

Edit or remove an existing program or propose a new program.


Manage Catalog

Edit a Catalog narrative and other Catalog details.

Workflow & Timeline

All course and program proposals follow a specific workflow and timeline.
It is the responsibility of the submitter to follow the proposal and ensure that the proposal progresses through the approval workflow in the established timeline. Visit the Course and Curriculum Calendar for dates and deadlines.

Curriculum Timeline

Councils & Committees

  • Undergraduate Affairs Council (UAC)
  • Graduate Affairs Council (GAC)
  • General Education Council (GEC)
  • Course and Program Approval Committees (CPAC)

Need Help? Submit a Ticket!

CPAC Policy Questions? Course and Program Management Policy


Course Description

Credit hour definitions

graduate students policy


Modes of Instruction

Learning Outcomes

Prerequisite recommendations

CIP Codes