Free Speech Resources

What can you do?

Fighting Hate

  • Your Free Speech is Powerful Too.
  •  Fight hate speech with more free speech, better speech, and with more accurate speech. Use your right to free expression to condemn hate speech and other ignorant speech.
  • Connect with Student Organizations
    Reach out to those organizations you believe would have an interest in the topic. Having many groups with one voice strengthens your position and influence. 
  • Educate
    Organize a teach-in, lecture, panel, or discussion with faculty or students who have experience or expertise on the topic. 
  • Show Support and Allyship
    Think about what can be done before, during, and after a harmful event to show support to your peers who may be affected.  
  • Counter-Demonstrate
    Organize a demonstration to illustrate your opposition to the point of view being presented by the other group. Use t-shirts, flyers, picket signs to share your message. 
  • Stand Up and Turn Around
    Another option is to force the speaker to speak to your back. Most speakers need to feed off the audience and the controversy they create. By turning your back you remain present but still send a message of opposition. Be sure to not infringe on others’ movement or do anything that can escalate to a physical conflict. 

A very powerful tool to send a message of opposition is to deny a speaker and/or event your attendance. Controversial speakers are usually trained to provoke their audience and if the audience does not exist it creates a challenging situation for the speaker and/or organizers to create the dissension they desire. 

EWU Free Speech Card 

FIRE Videos

  • These videos will show you more regarding the First Amendment, the importance of hearing different points of view particularly in the higher education setting, and the value of expanding inclusive dialogues across world views to enhance creativity, learning and critical thinking.