Help with Faculty & Grades

How to best communicate with faculty and what to do if you feel you are being treated unfairly

Emailing Tips & Templates

How a topic or conflict is introduced often has a major impact on how it is resolved. It is very important to be respectful when asking faculty for help. This applies to extensions, explanations, pre-approval of absences, etc.

Faculty are also great sources of advice and knowledge. You may want to reach out to faculty for career advice, to know when a specific course will be offered, to ask for a recommendation, or just to further discuss a topic from class. They are a wealth of knowledge!

When emailing remember to:

  • Use a clear subject line.
  • Send from your email.
  • Use standard punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and grammar.
  • Make sure you do your part in resolving the issue.
  • Be aware of the tone of your writing, the wrong tone can send a bad message.
Please feel free to copy and paste these email templates.

Present Quarter Dispute

Generally speaking, when it comes to academic matters, working directly with faculty, then Department Chairs, and then the Dean of the College the course reports to is the stepped approach to navigate most academic issues. If you need further assistance or advice please Contact Student Affairs.

Final Grade Dispute

β€” For complete and official wording please visit Grade Appeal Policy.