Professional Development Opportunities

Is there a class, webinar or conference that you are longing to attend that would help you do your job better, expose you to a new aspect of student development or a new way of doing things? The Student Affairs Professional Development Committee has some resources to assist you. Because Student Affairs values professional growth … Read more

Saying the Hard Thing: Communicating Under Pressure

Student Affairs Professional Development Series Wednesday, February 20, 2013 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. (Up to one hour of release time is available. Please coordinate approval with your supervisor to ensure adequate office coverage.) MON 205 For the next session of the Professional Development Series, Mr. Craig Fischer, Director for College Advancement,  will present “Saying the … Read more

Coming Soon!

Information will be available  regarding professional development funds and opportunities to attend a class, webinar, and even a conference.   Be on the lookout for the Professional Development Committee’s application form and be watching for opportunities to assist in professional growth.

Nota Bene Winter 2013

Award Winning Program:  Student Affairs has been awarded the NASPA[1] Gold Excellence Award for Housing/Residential Life.  The award recognizes EWU’s success in developing a vibrant Computing and Engineering Sciences Living/Learning Community (LLC).  It is the singular top award for residence life programs nationally.   The award submission was entitled:  “Living, Learning and Laundry:  faculty involvement in … Read more


Student Affairs Professional Development Series Wednesday, January 16, 2013 Gratitude: Learn how it amplifies the good in your life. For our next session of the Professional Development Series, Dr. Phil Watkins will explain how gratitude is important to flourishing personally and professionally. Gratitude has been positively associated with a number of well-being variables and now, … Read more