Leadership & Diversity in the 21st Century

Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington will be presenting on the following:

  • We live in an increasingly diverse and complex world.  Leaders need to deepen their awareness, knowledge and skills in order to be effective.  Leaders are often expected to know how to manage and engage all types of people and situations; however, we know this expectation is often met with disappointment.  This session is designed to provide the tools and concepts for greater success.

Where: MON 205

When: Tuesday, April 22 from 3-4:30 p.m.

Refreshments will be provided.

  • BIO: Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington serves as the President and Founder of the Washington Consulting Group, a Multicultural Organizational Development Firm out of Baltimore, MD. Dr. Washington has served as an educator, administrator, and consultant in higher education for over 30 years. Dr. Washington is the President and a Founder of the Social Justice Training Institute. He also serves as Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion and Social Ethics at Winston Salem State University.

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