2018 Class List

Course Offerings

ZSAT 001-98 | CRN 22388
Satori Camper: Resident
Staying on campus for the entire week.

ZSAT 001-99 | CRN 22389
Satori Camper: Non-Resident
Returning home every night.

Morning Session (8:10-10 a.m.)

ZSAT 011-18 | CRN 22404

“What makes a good reporter? What is newsworthy?  How can I be sure what I read is true? What in the world is a lede? Learn the basics of news writing and reporting ethics while creating a camp archive for web and print. As a Harold reporter, you will be responsible for documenting memorable camp highlights in a daily newspaper distributed to the camp and preserved online, all while learning what makes news, news. Be the eyes, ears, and voice of Satori 2018!”

Course restrictions: Must be a returning Satori camper; high school students only.

ZSAT 011-10 | CRN 22417

Come join the Government of Satori, where we will elect leadership, form committees, draft legislation, debate important issues, and where we will draft our own Constitution. We will work together to find out if we can find a way for the nation of Satori to succeed.

ZSAT 011-12 | CRN 22391

What if I told you that you could create a paper sculpture that played music, lit up with color changing lights, and could be controlled with a cell phone?  Or, how about a dancing floor that reacts to your movements and will even dance back with you?  Exploring DXArts will cover the basics of digital art creation including technology development, coding, interactive work, and Max/MSP.  The class will explore the intersection of multiple arts disciplines with technology and create an interactive art piece.  All art disciplines and technology expertise are welcome in this class.

ZSAT 011-12 | CRN 22391

What if I told you that you could create a paper sculpture that played music, lit up with color changing lights, and could be controlled with a cell phone?  Or, how about a dancing floor that reacts to your movements and will even dance back with you?  Exploring DXArts will cover the basics of digital art creation including technology development, coding, interactive work, and Max/MSP.  The class will explore the intersection of multiple arts disciplines with technology and create an interactive art piece.  All art disciplines and technology expertise are welcome in this class.

ZSAT 011-15 | CRN 22394

With the rise of popularity in comic books and the characters that live on and off their pages, we will explore different topics of social justice using this form of art and communication. What can we learn and how can we influence what is produced to create a better world? Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

ZSAT 011-16 | CRN 22395

Ever wonder why mathematicians celebrate Pi Day? Why don’t we celebrate Phi Day, since phi is a number that shows up in history, art, nature, music, and religion? How long do you think it would take to count to a billion? Have you ever seen a triangle with three right angles? Can you visualize different types of infinity? In this course we’ll explore the surprisingly artistic side of numbers and math; we’ll challenge our brains to visualize new geometric realities where shapes do strange things; we’ll solve puzzles, riddles, and conundrums; and we’ll share (or discover!) an appreciation for the truth, simplicity, and beauty of numbers.

Course restrictions: Only sign up for this class if you haven’t ever taken the Infinite Beauty math class from past Satori camps.

ZSAT 011-11 | CRN 22390

This course invites you to explore your personal connection to poetry, and to find—or reconnect with—your poetic voice. We’ll read some poetry, talk about poetry, but, first and foremost, we’ll write poetry and share our work with each other in a safe, supportive and collaborative environment. The focus here will be on expression, experimentation and creativity. This will be an opportunity for students to work in free verse and more “classical” forms and structures, culminating in an online journal showcasing work from each student.

ZSAT 001-14 | CRN 22393

In this class we will voyage back a long time ago to a galaxy far, far away to learn about philosophy by talking about Star Wars. Philosophy has a bad reputation for being abstract or disconnected from real life. In this class, we will see how philosophy can help us understand real problems and live better lives by examining the philosophies and philosophical problems of the Star Wars Universe. So be like Luke and Rey! Answer the call to adventure to see the world from a wider point of view. If you do, you just might become more powerful than you ever imagined!

ZSAT 011-17 | CRN 22400

Experience the extraordinary world of African and Latin hand percussion. You will learn techniques for playing several different instruments in the four major families of African/Latin percussion: bells, shakers, mallets, and drums. We will take these techniques and learn to layer together drum grooves based on Duple and Triple time signatures, explore techniques for developing solos, and perform for other campers. We will also experiment with Organic (found) percussion by scrounging, salvaging, and building our own percussion instruments from the world around us. Remembers, as a percussionist, the world is your instrument and the grooves are endless!

Midday Session (10:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.)

ZSAT 011-21 | CRN 22397

Impress your friends with new Rubik’s Cube skills — and dazzle them with feats of Math! We’ll delve deep into the mathematics of the Rubik’s Cube and other puzzles and games, plus you’ll learn the beginners’ method for solving a cube! You’ll bond with your cube all week as you practice algorithms and ponder its mathematical depths — and if by the week’s end you can demonstrate a solution, then that cube will be yours to keep forever! Note: this course is designed for someone who has never solved a Rubik’s Cube puzzle before; if you already know a solution method, please allow space for others in this class. Class fee is to provide cubes.

*There is a $10 supply fee associated with this class, which must be paid at the time of online registration.

ZSAT 011-26 | 22408

Why do songs become popular? In this class, we will explore pop music history, genres, influences, styles and what pop music does to dictate, change and make culture in our society. Guest speakers in this class will include radio DJs and pop musicians.

ZSAT 011-60 | CRN 22414

Older than science, books and even math; language has been the hallmark of humanity. It binds us together and makes us a community. Campers will look at examples of a variety of languages, from Latin to Klingon and German to Elven, to learn the basic fundamentals of Linguistic Theory and to construct their own secret language.

ZSAT 011-23 | CRN 22405

Looking for creatives, problem-solvers, and artists to join our new graphic design team! Meet with a mock client to receive a creative brief, learn how to execute a strong visual concept that incorporates your individual style and meets your client’s needs, and pitch your work confidently while remaining open to critique and feedback. Develop your creative research and concept-sketching skills, learn digital tools to create sweet graphics, and work hard to present final art under deadline! Are you ready for the challenge!?

ZSAT 011-24 | CRN 22406

Classical Ethics is about helping individuals make good decisions that make their lives and those of the people with whom they live, work, and study, better. Fortunately, many of the words of advice about how to live good lives that were written some 2400 years ago are still available and still relevant to our own time. In a lecture/discussion format, we will explore and challenge what this ancient advice can mean to us today. Making a habit of making good decisions builds what we often call “character,” and the development of good character is the point of studying Ethics, both then and now.

ZSAT 011-52 | CRN 22409

When you are bored, do you have a habit of drawing all over every post-it or piece of paper you can find? Are you interested in applying these skills to the study of psychology? If so, this is the class for you! In this class, we will create intricate designs and patterns by doodling! We’ll use graphite, colored inks, pens and watercolors to make fabulous artistic creations. No prior art experience necessary: just a wild imagination.

There is a $6 lab fee associated with this course which must be paid at the time tuition is due.

ZSAT 011-25 | CRN 22407

For nearly a thousand years, the warrior class in Japan ruled all levels of society. Appropriating the name “Samurai,” these warriors dedicated their lives to the pursuit of perfection in all of their daily activities. Meaning “to serve,” the samurai believed in their cause as a just one. In this class, we will examine the daily lives of the samurai and the culture that surrounded them. Bring your interest in mysticism as we study the banner system and philosophy the samurai lived under. From the moment they woke in the morning until they laid their heads down at night, and idea of bringing harmony to the world was their primary aim. As we dive into the codes and ideals of the samurai and how that impacted their lives, as a class we will find ways to incorporate how they lived into our own lives. A true lesson in satori (or sudden enlightenment) will be had by all!

ZSAT 011-28 | CRN 22416

You have probably talked about him in school. You have probably read or seen Shakespeare performed, probably in movie form. So why are we still doing these dusty 400 year old plays? Let’s really dig into the cannon, and see what makes these timeless stories tick. Let’s learn the smart, funny, and often bawdy Bard.

ZSAT 011-51 | CRN 22399

Vertebrate life is highly diverse, but there are many shared features that highlight its common origin. In this crash course on anatomy and physiology, you will explore mechanisms of physiological processes as well as compare the anatomy of multiple vertebrate species. This course will involve examination of anatomical structures at multiple levels and an opportunity for you to get your hands on (and inside) a variety of vertebrate species.

Afternoon Session (1:10-3 p.m.)

ZSAT 011-57 | CRN 22415

Have you ever wondered what it takes to DJ the Satori dance? The class will cover DJ theory. We will be focusing on audio equipment, digital technology, music types and styles, building set, playlists and learning how to lead interactive games. Learn how to jump from Lil Wayne to Frank Sinatra and from dubstep to hip-hop and back. If you’re lucky, you may even get to help DJ Satori’s dance!

ZSAT 011-50 | CRN 22398

Have you ever wondered how to turn a good photograph into a great one? In this class we will learn to take better photos with any camera! We will discover the basics of good photography and have the opportunity to apply what we’ve learned by taking photos during class. Please bring a digital camera—no cell phones.

ZSAT 011-20 | CRN 22396

Alien invasions! The collapse of the Space Needle! Dewey Wins! All of these events had real-life impacts, but they were all #fakenews. In our current climate, it can often be challenging to determine the accuracy and bias of the news media that we consume every time we log in to Facebook or Twitter. Students who take “How to Spot #fakenews” will learn about the history of journalism in America, how to fact-check the media they consume, and what their rights are as student-journalists in their own schools.

ZSAT 011-53 | CRN 22410

Do you like smoke, noise, and things that go fast? Then this class is for you. We will build two very different larger model rockets and fly them if the weather permits. We will do this while learning some basic rocketry concepts so you can build and fly your own rockets at home. This includes how rocket motors are made and work, aerodynamics of rocket flight, and safety.

* There is a $20 supply fee associated with this class, which must be paid at the time of online registration.

ZSAT 011-54 | CRN 22411

In this session we will prepare ourselves to audition for musicals from start to finish including slating, monologue work, 16 bar audition songs, and choreography! Please bring a one minute monologue and 16 bars of an audition song with an accompaniment track. If you need either of these, please let us know and we will provide you with one to prepare.

ZSAT 011-22 | CRN 22403

An exploration of memory and expression, truth and fiction, and the who, what, and why of writing memoir. The class combines reading, discussion, and writing to explore your own stories. Come join this class and learn how to write memoirs like a pro.

ZSAT 011-29 | CRN 22387

Ichi! Ni! San! Shi! Students will learn basic karate, judo and self-defense techniques taught in the authentic martial arts atmosphere. The course will include moving basics, kata, basic throwing and falling techniques and knowledge of Eastern culture. The concepts of dignity and respect will be emphasized along with a strengthening of the spirit, which allows the student to push back the limits of their physical prowess.

Male Students: ZSAT 011-55 | CRN 22412
Female Students: ZSAT 011-56 | CRN 22413

Dancing with a partner is fun, and easier than you think. There is no experience necessary, and we’ll learn Swing, Salsa, Waltz, and Tango. Warning: Boys and girls will dance together.

* All participants MUST bring non-marking, close-toed SHOES (no sandals) or they will not be allowed to participate. Also socks, to wear under the shoes.

ZSAT 011-59 | CRN 22418

Gaming has been a part of human culture for as long as we have history. Games have been played to pass time, practice skills, or strengthen social bonds. More recently, research has been done into other benefits of this popular hobby, and in how to harness its power most effectively. Students will explore aspects of game design and how they generate buy-in, the history of gaming as a whole, and how we can improve ourselves using this information.