Instructions for using Music Algorithms’ Modulo Operation


How to Begin

  1. Go to the Algorithm section (in the red area).  Enter the number “40” in the box labeled “Number of integers in the sequence (3 to 100).” Then click “Get algorithm output.”
    • Goal:  The first 40 Fibonacci numbers will appear in a box below called “Algorithm Output Values” found in the Pitch section.
  2. Go to the Pitch section (in the orange area) and click on the button for “perform modulo operation.” Change the “scaling” values to 1-88 (pitch range). Then click on the “Scale values” button.
    • Goal:  The Fibonacci numbers are transformed to fit the range 1-88.  The new numbers appear in the box called Derived Pitch Values.
  3.  Skip the Durations section (in the green area).  There is a default setting of uniform rhythmic values.
  4. Go to the Compose section (in the blue area). Click on the play button.