Why is the university removing the coin-operated meters?
The meters are becoming obsolete and the parts necessary to repair them are no longer available. This also reduces risk during winter months when snow may be around the meter; students and enforcement officers do not need to physically access the meter. The stalls will accept mobile payment options.
Will the university replace the meters with new coin-operated and/or those that accept credit/debit cards at the meter?
No. The university does not have the infrastructure in place to purchase new meters and support physical credit/debit card transactions at the meters.
What forms of payment will the meters (mobile pay stalls) accept moving forward?
The meters will be removed and the mobile pay stalls will accept payments with a credit/debit card via the mobile app. Those without smartphones or who prefer not to download the app may call a toll-free number and use their credit/debit card. The cost to park at these locations is the same as it would have cost with the coin-operated meters; the $.25 usage fee is charged by the mobile payment company to cover their costs. The university does not make any additional revenue from these changes.
Does the university offer free parking?
Yes. There are 1,150 free parking stalls made available in lot P12. EWU is the only institution in our region to offer free parking.
Why doesn’t the university offer free parking closer to campus?
The free parking available in lot P12 is only several minutes’ walk from the campus core.
Why isn’t parking free everywhere on campus?
The fees charged for parking cover minor maintenance of the lots, striping, signage, snow removal, etc. The revenues acquired through the parking program are not enough to do any major reconstruction.
Are there alternatives for students parking on campus?
The university has contracted with Spokane Transit Authority (since 2003) to provide free bus service to students with their Eagle Card. The student transportation fee helps to pay the negotiated reduced rate for the Universal Transit Access Pass program for all full-time registered students.
What are the options for those with disabilities?
Those with a state-issued disability placard may purchase a discounted permit (currently, $80/quarter or $200/year) allowing them to park in any lot in a disability stall. If no disability stall is available, they may park in a regular stall and if none, a mobile pay (formerly meter) stall. State law also allows free parking on any state or municipal street, including EWU mobile pay stalls located along Washington, Elm and 5th streets, with the placard displayed. Please visit Parking Services at 101 Tawanka Hall between 8 a.m.- 4:45 p.m., Monday-Friday to obtain your permit.
What are the options for those who are elderly?
We offer a $5.00 daily permit for all guests which gives access to the lot of their choice for the day. Please visit Parking Services at 101 Tawanka Hall between 8 a.m.- 4:45 p.m., Monday-Friday to obtain your permit.
Do retirees, alumni and donors receive any parking benefits?
Yes, EWU retirees receive a parking pass which allows them to park one to two days a month in any lot. The EWU Foundation also provides Patron Parking Passes to donors of certain levels who contribute to the university. Please contact the EWU Foundation for more information on Patron Parking Passes. Retirees are notified by EWU’s Human Resources department of their eligibility; please contact Parking Services with questions or to update your vehicle information.
Why doesn’t the university provide more stalls or build more parking lots?
EWU currently provides enough parking for the campus community based on usage data. Lots P12 and P18 have never filled to capacity. The State Commute Trip Reduction Law (RCW 70.94.521) instructs state agencies to implement programs to reduce single-occupant vehicle commuting in an effort to reduce air pollution, traffic congestion and energy use. Therefore, rather than building more lots that encourage this type of commuting, EWU is using Transportation Demand Management strategies to reduce the number of vehicles on our roads.
Parking at Catalyst and SIERR building guidelines
Catalyst and SIERR Parking Guidelines
100 annual parking permits are available from September 1 through August 31 at the CORE price; please visit our website to purchase these online. Permits – Parking & Transportation Services (ewu.edu) After the 100 are sold, you must obtain parking through Reef.
25 annual parking permits are available from July 1 – June 30 at the CORE price, to accommodate the semester schedule; please visit our website to purchase these on line. Permits – Parking & Transportation Services (ewu.edu). Once the 25 are sold, you must obtain parking through Reef.
DUAL Permits:
If you are approved to have a dual permit for both locations and you currently have a Catalyst permit, you have two options:
- You can use your current Catalyst permit at both locations until you renew your Catalyst permit by September 1. IF you do not renew your permit on the July 1 renewal time frame, you will not be eligible for the payroll deduction as that closes August 1.
- The dual permit will transition this year to the July 1 – June 30 annual time-frame whether you buy it now or by September 1.
- In order to allow parking at both locations, you will need physical permits for the Catalyst and SIERR lots UNTIL Reef transitions to License Plate Recognition this fall. Parking will extend the two months’ parking at the SIERR lot by providing your license plate to Reef if you choose not to renew now but to renew on the September 1 date.
- Next year, dual permits must be purchased by July 1 and will continue to be good at both locations annually throughout the year.
If you are a 20-year employee, the 50% reduction does apply to the permit cost and we are notified of those individuals via HR.
Some have asked about garage parking at the SIERR lot. You can obtain a stall through Reef at $100/mo.
Please call Parking at x7275 with any questions or to purchase your permit over the phone.
Eastern Washington University
Parking and Transportation Services
101 Tawanka Hall
Cheney WA 99004