Congratulations to current EWU McNair Scholar Marcos Monteiro, former EWU McNair Scholar Laurisa Ankley and McNair Faculty Mentor Dr. Andrea Castillo, along with fellow student Katherine Camp and Dr. Robin O’Quinn, for the publication of their article “Manuka honey chelates iron and impacts iron regulation in key bacterial pathogens” in the Journal of Applied Microbiology! Mentoring and research experience like this not only prepare McNair Scholars to be successful graduate students, it also helps them get accepted into universities! Laurisa, who graduated in 2018 from EWU with a BS in biology, went directly from undergrad at EWU to Michigan State University’s PhD program in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and received full funding! Marcos is a senior at EWU majoring in Biology with a minor in Chemistry. He is currently applying to Masters and PhD programs in Molecular Biology/Microbiology. The EWU McNair Scholar’s program is so proud of our students and deeply greatly to the faculty mentors who make this possible. Keep your eyes out in the coming months as our seniors receive acceptances from university’s around the country!