Traveling the world with Gilman

  EWU McNair Scholars are traveling the world with Gilman Congratulations to Wendolyn Martinez and Malichi Chukwu, two EWU McNair Scholars and Political Science majors, for receiving the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Our Eagles were selected among the nearly 3000 Gilman core awards … Read more

May 9th Scholar Cafe Announced!

On May 9th, we hold our second Scholar Cafe of spring! Providing insights and knowledge on undergraduate research, Dr. Majid K. Sharifi will discuss topics such as diplomacy and international development. Dr. Majid K. Sharifi is an Iranian-American who has lived and worked in the United States for over 30 years. Although a citizen of … Read more

Angelica Garcia-Macias, McNair Scholar, has been accepted to Purdue Summer Research Program!

Angelica Garcia-Macias was accepted to Purdue University’s 2019 Summer Research Opportunities Program, as a Purdue University scholar. The program helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and enrichment activities. Program components include research stipend, university housing, research presentations, workshops on the GRE and applying to graduate school, and social activities. … Read more

Josiah Van Egdom’s Scholar Story

Josiah Van Egdom was accepted into McNair in 2016. Initially, his focus was on accounting and economics. That changed with McNair. He had a conversation with Dr. Christina Torres Garcia, program director, which challenged his future. While accounting was fine, Josiah wanted to study political science. With the encouragement of that conversation, and with the … Read more