Alexander Dodson

Arcelia Madrigal SQUARE

Arcelia Madrigal, a first-generation college student, graduated from Eastern Washington University in Spring 2023 with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Special Education, as well as a certificate in Social Emotional Learning for Educational Equity. At EWU, Arcelia received the Frances B. Huston Medallion Award and the Soaring Eagles Scholarship.

Arcelia is also the Vice President of Eastern Washington’s Psi Chi chapter and an active member of Eagle Ambassador. She is interested in a career in early education school psychology to help ensure educational equity for all students. Her research interests consist of how stereotype bias and cultural identity play into achievement test results and how they present in the educational setting. Arcelia’s research this summer will be on Cultural Experience and Perception of Social Emotional Learning with mentor Dr. Susan Ruby.

Arcelia was accepted to Gonzaga University‘s Ed Specialist School Psychology ProgramEastern Washington University‘s Educational Specialist School Psychology Program (EdS), and the University of Oregon‘s Master’s Program in School Psychology. She will attend the University of Washington Tacoma‘s Educational Specialist in School Psychology Program (EdS).

2022 EWU Faculty Research Mentor: Dr. Susan Ruby

Title: Cultural Experience and Perception of Social Emotional Learning

Research Poster

Abstract: Cultural identity plays a significant role in experiences with social-emotional learning (SEL). Students across culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds might differ in experiences that impact their perception and application of SEL. This study focused on the relationship between SEL experience, cultural identity, and perception of SEL. I distributed a survey to college students at a regional comprehensive institution. Participants completed a self-assessment and reported their previous and current exposure to SEL at school and home.  Participants also answered questions surrounding diversity and worked through scenario questions to demonstrate their preferred way to deal with conflict. I am seeking to understand how experiences with SEL and cultural identity influence students’ perceptions and skills for SEL. I predict that participants with different cultural identities will vary in their self-ratings of specific SEL skills. I expect participants will report minimal experience with SEL at school and home. I expect that those reporting less experience will choose extreme options to resolve conflict. My survey will be open to participants for the fall quarter. My findings may assist educators in taking a cultural perspective so that SEL may expand the standards and framework of implementation to meet the need of all students.

Arcelia and Sylvia, Board of Trustees

McNair Scholars Present Research to EWU Board of Trustees

Recently, McNair scholars Arcelia Madrigal and Sylvia Kennerly had the opportunity to present their research to the EWU Board of Trustees, to offer examples of the breadth and depth of undergraduate research being done at Eastern Washington University. Arcelia, a first-generation college student, will graduate from Eastern Washington University in Spring 2023 with a BA … Read more
2023 Symposium

17 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2023 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium

On May 10, EWU held the 2023 Student Research and Creative Works Symposium. The Symposium is back in person since 2022, allowing excellent shared engagement as scholars discussed their research (both proposed and completed) with fellow students, faculty, and the EWU community. Many scholars shared their work in poster format in the PUB, while others … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal Huston Award

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal Receives the Frances B. Huston Medallion Award

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal! Arcelia has been selected to receive a 2023 Frances B. Huston Medallion Award. Recipients of the Frances B. Huston medallion award must have established themselves as exceptionally capable individuals in both academic and extracurricular activities. The faculty and the administration of Eastern Washington University acknowledge their great pride … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal accepted to Gonzaga

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal Accepted to Gonzaga University’s Ed.S. in School Psychology Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal! Arcelia has been accepted to Gonzaga University‘s Ed Specialist School Psychology Program. Their program adheres to the Graduate Preparation and Credentialing for School Psychologists set forth by NASP and includes a full-time, 1200-hour internship. From the Gonzaga Ed Specialist in School Psychology website: Graduate preparation in school psychology educates and trains … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal accepted to EWU's EdS

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal Accepted to Eastern Washington University’s Educational Specialist School Psychology Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal! Arcelia has been accepted to Eastern Washington University‘s Educational Specialist School Psychology Program (EdS) on the Hybrid Track. EWU’s program is the first of its kind (online/hybrid) to receive full accreditation by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). From the EWU School Psychology website: We adopt a preventive … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal accepted to UW Tacoma

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal Accepted to University of Washington Tacoma’s Educational Specialist in School Psychology Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal! Arcelia has been accepted to the University of Washington Tacoma for the Educational Specialist in School Psychology Program (EdS). The Educational Specialist degree is a graduate degree that is more advanced than a master’s degree. It includes two years of coursework and practicum and one year of school-based internship. From the UW … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal at NASP

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal Attends National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal attended the 2023 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention in Denver, Colorado last week. Arcelia did both a poster presentation of her McNair Summer Research, Cultural Experience and Perception of Social Emotional Learning, as well as a two-hour paper session with a team led by Arcelia’s mentor, Dr. Susan Ruby, … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal Accepted to University of Oregon Master's Program in School Psychology

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal Accepted to University of Oregon’s Master’s Program in School Psychology

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal! Arcelia has been accepted to the University of Oregon for the Master’s Program in School Psychology. The program is accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists and approved by the Oregon Teachers Standards and Practices Commission for the educational licensure of school psychologists in the state of Oregon. Arcelia … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal selected for Soaring Eagles scholarship

EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal Selected for the Soaring Eagles Scholarship

Congratulations to new EWU McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal! Arcelia has been selected for the Soaring Eagles Scholarship. The Soaring Eagles Scholarship offers Financial support for EWU junior and senior level students demonstrating “grit” toward degree completion. Scholarships at Eastern are highly competitive and Arcelia has been recognized as an individual who has demonstrated excellence. Arcelia is … Read more
Arcelia Madrigal Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar

Arcelia Madrigal Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to new McNair Scholar Arcelia Madrigal! Arcelia was selected by the McNair Scholars’ selection committee on the basis of her passion for research, commitment to attaining a PhD, and overall potential for success in graduate school. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors … Read more