Saul Bautista


Nicole Nemeth is a first-generation sophomore at Eastern Washington University, pursuing a major in nursing and a minor in psychology. She was accepted as a McNair Scholar in winter of 2023 and is working towards a specialization in nurse anesthesia. For her 2024 McNair Summer Research Internship, Nicole will conduct her own investigation. Outside of her academic pursuits, Nicole finds joy in drawing and writing, and would like to publish her own books in the future.

2023 EWU Faculty Research Mentor: Dr. Ann C. Le Bar

Research Title: Forgotten Radiation Victims: Braceros and Other Farm Workers

Vignette: The year was 1964 and a young woman named Maria Nicasio arrived in Prosser, Washington hoping to start a new life with her parents and siblings. The weather was nice and there were plenty of opportunities for work. She got a job as a farm worker in the asparagus crops in nearby Benton City. While Maria and her family worked by the Yakima River, they also drank from and bathed in it and ate the raw asparagus and other crops they were harvesting.She did not know it at the time but living and working as agricultural laborers just miles from the plutonium production facility at Hanford would have severe health consequences for herself and her family.

2022 EWU Faculty Research Mentor: Dr. Joseph Lenti

Research Title: El Indio Desplasado: The Systematic Displacement of Native People in Honduran History 

Research Poster

Abstract: This research project assesses the problematic way in which the public education system of Honduras has historically depicted Indigenous peoples of the nation. Most importantly, it demonstrates that the Honduran government, through public education textbooks, has actively perpetuated the idea that native peoples are gone – that they are but another page in the books of history. The goal of this investigation is to understand how this form of misinformation has succeeded to influence generations of Hondurans and caused them to largely believe that indigenous people are not active participants in that society today.   

This research project contends that an intentional and active campaign to minimize the historical significance of indigenous peoples in Honduras has popularly minimized the importance of the local tribes in the national history. Moreover, this research highlights how the historical minimizing of the indigenous presence in Honduras contributes to contemporary discrimination and repression toward native people.  

This research project uses public education textbooks produced by the Ministry of Education. Additionally, this study incorporates into its analysis oral interviews with educators and scholars including an anthropologist who has worked and interacted with local tribes in Honduras. And lastly, secondary sources are reviewed to bolster this project’s conclusions.  

EWU McNair Scholars Present & Volunteer at Phi Alpha Theta Conference

EWU McNair commends our scholars for outstanding academic community engagement and we look forward to seeing many other scholars present their research at the upcoming EWU Research Symposium, May 7th and 8th!

EWU McNair Scholar Saul Bautista Completes Summer Research

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Saul Bautista for completing his Summer Research with Dr. Ann C. Le Bar! Saul was one of six students selected for a research position through Hanford National Park spanning from June-August 2023. Having supplied plutonium for the Manhattan project, the Tri-Cities, WA site investigated the community impacts. Saul focused on … Read more
2023 Symposium

17 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2023 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium

On May 10, EWU held the 2023 Student Research and Creative Works Symposium. The Symposium is back in person since 2022, allowing excellent shared engagement as scholars discussed their research (both proposed and completed) with fellow students, faculty, and the EWU community. Many scholars shared their work in poster format in the PUB, while others … Read more
Saul and Jules Phi Alpha Theta

EWU McNair Scholar Saul Bautista and Recruit Jules Amante Attend Phi Alpha Theta Conference

On April 21 and 22, EWU McNair Scholar Saul Bautista and McNair Recruit Jules Amante attended the Phi Alpha Theta Northwest Regional Conference at Central Washington University with EWU History professor Dr. Bill Youngs. Saul presented a paper based on his 2022 Summer Research project with mentor Dr. Joseph Lenti, El Indio Desplasado: The Historical Displacement … Read more

EWU McNair Scholar Saul Bautista Presents Research at SECOLAS

In early April, EWU McNair Scholar Saul Bautista presented his paper A Different View of the Rising Sun at the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS) in Asheville, North Carolina. This research discussed Japanese internment camps in Mexico during World War II and how they were influenced by the United States. Saul said it … Read more
Badradin Mohammed, Richard Murphy, and Saul Bautista attend International Studies Association Midwest Annual Conference in St. Louis

EWU McNair Scholars Present at the International Studies Association Midwest Annual Conference

EWU McNair Scholars Saul Bautista, Badradin Mohammed, and Richard Murphy presented their research at the International Studies Association Midwest Annual Conference in November. The conference was held in St. Louis, Missouri. Each presented his McNair Summer research on thematically based panels. While there, they ran into EWU McNair alumna Alexandria Coronado! Saul’s project, mentored by … Read more
Saul Bautista selected as an Eastern Washington University McNair Scholar

Saul Bautista Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to new McNair Scholar Saul Bautista! Saul was selected by the McNair Scholars’ selection committee on the basis of his passion for research, commitment to attaining a PhD, and overall potential for success in graduate school. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors … Read more
13 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2022 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium

13 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2022 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium

On May 11, EWU held the 2022 Student Research and Creative Works Symposium. The Symposium has been held virtually for the last two years, and being back in person allowed for a different level of engagement as scholars discussed their research (both proposed and completed) with fellow students, faculty, and the EWU community. Many scholars … Read more