2020-2021 EWU McNair Selection Committee

Dr. Martin Meráz-García
Dr. Judd Case
Dr. Kayleen Islam-Zwart
Dr. Margaret O'Connell
Dr. Miguel Novellas
Dr. Stephen Tsikalas
Thank you so much to our McNair selection committee! Each fall EWU McNair recruits students who are interested in becoming a McNair Scholar. Then applications are reviewed by the EWU Selection Committee, which consists of EWU professors who volunteer their time. This year’s committee consisted of Dr. Judd Case and Dr. Margaret O’Connell from the Biology department, Dr. Miguel Novella and Dr. Martin Meráz-García from the Chicana/o/x studies program, Dr. Stephen Tsikalas from the Geology department, and Dr. Kayleen Islam-Zwart from the Psychology department. EWU Mcnair extends a huge thank you to the behind the scenes Selection Committee. Our work would not be possible without you.