TRIO Ronald E. McNair Scholar Program
What we offer:
- Paid research internship opportunities
- Assistance securing financial aid
- Grad school preparation seminars
- Research and career mentoring
- One-on-one support and advising
- Conference travel funding opportunities
- Feedback on graduate applications and research internship applications
- Fee waivers on graduate applications
Who we serve:
We’re happy to meet with any student who is interested in or has questions about going to graduate school.
- To be eligible to be a scholar, you must be:
- a sophomore, junior, or senior with at least one future summer and fall before graduation; and
- interested going to graduate school and attaining a PhD; and
- first generation and low-income college student; and/or
- from background(s) underrepresented at the doctoral level
The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented sophomores and juniors who are first-generation and low-income college students, and/or from groups underrepresented at the doctoral level to introduce them to academic research and provide them with effective strategies for getting into and graduating from PhD programs. Operating on a cohort model, the program prepares undergraduates for success as graduate students, professors, and professional researchers.
Faculty or Staff? Click here to nominate a Student for our program!
Over 56 Eastern McNair Scholars
have earned PhD’s since McNair
began at EWU in 1995!

Click here to see scholar names,
PhD programs, universities + additional links
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