TRIO Ronald E. McNair Scholar Program

What we offer:

  • Paid research internship opportunities
  • Assistance securing financial aid
  • Grad school preparation seminars
  • Research and career mentoring
  • One-on-one support and advising
  • Conference travel funding opportunities
  • Feedback on graduate applications and research internship applications
  • Fee waivers on graduate applications

Who we serve:

We’re happy to meet with any student who is interested in or has questions about going to graduate school.

  • To be eligible to be a scholar, you must be:
    • a sophomore, junior, or senior with at least one future summer and fall before graduation; and
    • interested going to graduate school and attaining a PhD; and
    • first generation and low-income college student; and/or
    • from background(s) underrepresented at the doctoral level
The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented sophomores and juniors who are first-generation and low-income college students, and/or from groups underrepresented at the doctoral level to introduce them to academic research and provide them with effective strategies for getting into and graduating from PhD programs. Operating on a cohort model, the program prepares undergraduates for success as graduate students, professors, and professional researchers.

Faculty or Staff? Click here to nominate a Student for our program!

EWU McNair News

Over 56 Eastern McNair Scholars
have earned PhD’s
since McNair
began at EWU in 1995!

Click here to see scholar names,
PhD programs, universities + additional links

Want to Contribute?

EWU Eags! Thinking about attending graduate school?
EWU TRIO McNair Program is seeking first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented students who would like to do a summer research internship guided by a faculty mentor and go on to get their Master’s or PhD. If you would like to know more, check out: Applying to EWU McNair or send an email to McNair Academic Advisor Cori Jaeger

McNair Office: 107 Monroe Hall on EWU’s Cheney Campus. Phone: 509-359-6523. Email:

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