Vitto’s 7

Student Contributor: M. Smith
Vitto’s 7 is a list of seven criteria to consider when measuring the outcomes of corrective measures. The overarching goal is that the behavior has been redirected to a more conducive and positive behavior. However, sometimes the outcomes are short-term results. By following the seven items outlined, long-term results building a student’s resiliency is more likely the result.

In a classroom that is relationship-driven, a teacher must evaluate consequences by using the following seven items: Does the consequence 1) bring the teacher and student closer together or create distance in the relationship, 2) encourage the teacher to change his or her own behavior, 3) model the prosocial skills that the teacher wants his or her students to possess, 4) instruct or teach appropriate behavior, 5) interfere with the flow of the lesson, 6) give the learner the choice to redirect and receive instruction, and 7) have an effective outcome. All of these are to be taken into consideration to maintain a healthy classroom culture. While it is often unrealistic that all seven of these items will be met in most instances, it is, however, crucial that an attempt is made to meet as many of them as possible. When more of the criteria can be met, the chances of students parlaying their behaviors to a more long-term status becomes much more likely. When these are taken into consideration, the students’ trust, faith, community, and respect for the teacher can be undamaged and preserved. As we all know, students simply don’t learn from teachers they don’t trust or respect.

This concept clearly belongs in the Corrective Phase of Management. It occurs as a reflective tactic while redirecting a student(s). Teacher-directed classrooms will find this to be an unnecessary exercise to follow and will avoid over-evaluation of measures taken to correct misbehavior. However, for teachers that have Referent Authority tendencies in which their direct relationship with the students is an important element to a well-run classroom and a healthy climate, they will find Vitto’s 7 an important tool to ensure effective consequences. In any classroom that is student-directed and/ or has an important element of collaboration, even if it is teacher-directed/ collaborative, relationships matter greatly. When followed, Vitto’s 7 demonstrates to the student that the teacher respects them enough to take into consideration that their relationship shall not be bruised and that their need for academic learning is equally important. This builds a mutual atmosphere of trust and respect. No one enjoys being belittled or scolded even if they have demonstrated poor choices. Vitto’s 7 sets teachers up for their own reflection of consequences and allows them to adjust for future corrective action.

More Information –
Tool Source: Vitto, J. (2003). Relationship-driven classroom management : Strategies that promote student motivation. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press.

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