Bounce Card

The idea of the Bounce Card is to take what someone else has said and add on to it, by giving another example, or relating it to another situation. Then the next step is to paraphrase and after that make meaning of it all by asking questions. This tool is helpful in facilitating conversation and help to create flow between partners and groups within the classroom.

Witness Circle

Witness Circles are very similar to the idea of the Fishbowl tool, except it is a way to try and resolve larger group issues. The small inner circle consists of people that address the conflict, while the outer circle consists of observers; however, the smaller circle has an empty chair in it so that any of the observers can join in during the discussion. If the chair is occupied, the student sitting there will automatically speak next before returning to the outer circle (Smith, 2005).


Mailboxes serve a very important role in the classroom setting when implemented correctly. Each student needs to have their own mailbox along with the teacher. The mailboxes can be personalized to have their name or can be listed off in numbers (which can be used as a grouping strategy). It also needs to be listed in the rules and procedures so students know how to use them.


A student gets zapped by the teacher when they are misbehaving by having the teacher place a yellow Z in a form of a lightning bolt which indicates to the student their misbehavior after they receive the Z they go to the reflection corner grab a zap sheet write a small reflection on their behavior, what they can do to improve their behavior, and discuss it briefly with the teacher afterwards they keep the zap sheet as a form of a reminder and responsibility.

Signal Interference

Signal Interference is a nonverbal Intervention that communicates that a behavior is not appropriate. It is helpful during instruction, because it lets the student who is misbehaving know that their behavior is not ok, yet it does not cause distraction to the rest of the class.