Write Group Contract

Group contracts can be used as a guide to running group tasks smoothly and effectively. Because each member should participate in making group expectations, they are more likely to abide by them. this will help reduce any arising conflicts/misbehavior while students are working together.

Good News Drop Box

This tool is used to support students and their personal achievements. Students write good news, it can be anything related to school or their lives outside of school, it is their choice what to share. This tool is helpful for students to feel a state of belonging and helps foster relationships within the classroom from feeling cared about.

Soft Start Morning Choice Board

The soft start morning choice board is a google slide that is put up on the whiteboard each morning that includes the student’s jobs for the morning as well as soft start choices. Soft start is when students come in and have a slow beginning to their day where they are able to talk to the teacher, color, use play-doh, interact with their peers, and play with toys before starting the day academically. The soft-start is helpful because it starts students’ morning off on the right foot and allows the theater to have personal interactions with students that aren’t necessarily school-related to continue to build that relationship.

Sticky Note Check-In

Students write how they are feeling that morning on the back of a sticky note (i.e. the side with the sticky on it), and stick it on the white board, so the face of the sticky note is blank and their feelings are kept anonymous on the back. This tool gives the teacher the ability to know how their students are feeling that morning and can kind of gauge how the day will go.

Quiet Coyote

Quiet coyote is used to get the classes attention when they are working on an assignment and it may be loud in the classroom. It is an easy signal to show that their eyes need to be on the teacher, their ears are open and listening, and their mouths are closed. This is used if you need to tell the class something quick and then they get back to work. This tool is not really a transition tool.