Good News Drop Box

Student Contributor: H. Brown
This tool is used to support students and their personal achievements. Students write good news, it can be anything related to school or their lives outside of school, it is their choice what to share. This tool is helpful for students to feel a state of belonging and helps foster relationships within the classroom from feeling cared about.

Students love to share their good news and teachers love to hear it! This tool can be used weekly or daily in the classroom. There should be a specific time set aside for students to write their good news whether it’s time they have left after finishing an assignment or set time at the end of the day to help the classroom run smoother. Students will write their good news on the “good news slip” they want to share with their peers and place it in the dropbox on the teacher’s desk, but without interrupting (there are some possible times for this during the day). Depending on if it is weekly or daily at the end of the week or day the teacher will select randomly and read a handful of good news notes that students dropped in the box. This is such a fun way to celebrate student achievement/success in the classroom and help build a tighter classroom community.

This tool is related to the three phases of management because this tool belongs best in the supportive phase. Using the tool helps by fostering relationships within the classroom and creates a sense of belonging for students by giving them recognition for their achievements. This will help students become more prone to be a member of the community. This can be argued to be beneficial for the preventative phase since students feel like they are a part of the community, they tend to act the part and see the importance of behaving appropriately, reducing the misbehavior in the classroom. This tool is used for students to share and celebrate their achievements. This is very much student-directed. Sharing success with others gives a “feel good/ proud” effect within oneself. This is helpful for student intrinsic motivation by being recognized for self-achievements. This tool can be seen as collaborative as the teacher takes part in choosing at random some achievements to share aloud to the class that was delivered to the dropbox that week or day.

More Information –
Tool Source: Pinterest

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