Google It Box

Student Contributor: Drake Johnson
The Google It Box is a box that is set up to allow for students to ask questions and get them answered later when there is time to address them. This box is helpful because if there is a time when students are getting off-topic we can put it in the Google It Box so we can come back to it later and students trust they will have their question addressed.

The Google It Box can be used in many ways, it can be used during community circle, fun way to start or end class, or used for those times where students completed their work and there is a gap of time where students don’t have anything to do. Using the Google It Box helps keep students on task and away from asking questions or commenting about things that are not relevant to the current situation or class period. The Google It Box allows students to ask questions, make comments, and/or address difficult topics at a later time when it is appropriate or time permits to answer those questions or discuss difficult topics. I like this tool because it helps keep students on task with what we are doing as a whole class or if there is a question that a student asks and you don’t know how to answer students can put it in the Google It Box to have it answered later and giving the teacher time to ponder how they will answer the question.

The Google It Box is part of the preventative phase of classroom management because it helps students from getting off-topic before they go off-topic. I chose the preventative phase because the preventative phase is to prevent issues in the classroom or to prevent students from distractions or distracting others. I also thought that the Google It Box fits best with the collaborative theory of influence fits best because the box allows for student input and student questions to be answered, even if it is at a later time. I also think that the Google It Box could also be student-directed and teacher-directed because the students are the ones asking the questions and submitting their ideas and comments while it is up to the teacher to decide when the best time would be to address student questions or comments when it suits the class best.

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Tool Source: Drake Johnson developed this idea.

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