Music for Volume

Music for volume is helpful for classes of all ages and I think can help productivity. When using this tool it is best to use instrumental music at a quieter volume but audible to the class. When the class gets too loud, you can refer to the music and if they can’t hear it that means it’s too loud in the classroom.

Fork and Spoon

This tool is a great activity that can be used in the classroom to encourage students to work as a team. For this activity, students will attempt to pass a fork in one direction, and a spoon in the other, keeping the chain going in each direction. This activity helps build positive relationships in the classroom, which benefits their overall learning.

You Rock

This tool is helpful because it celebrates the student’s success no matter how well they do. It is also super helpful because it is a common language and procedure within the class so when you say give Johnny 3, all the children know exactly what to do. The ever-changing cheers are very fun but, it is sometimes hard for them to remember all the details of every cheer which leads to only part of the class participating. This cheer is also very simple and quick.

Teacher Too

Teacher Too is assigning a student in the class as a teacher assistant of the week. The student is responsible for helping other students in the class when they are lost in discussion or what is expected of them. This tool is helpful when the teacher is running small groups and other students in the class need help with instructions. It guides students to know they can ask other classmates for help and not always rely on the teacher for help.