Responsibility Action Plan (RAP)

This tool gives students a set of three questions that assesses their behavior and focuses on what they can change to improve their behavior. The questions include: “What specifically were you doing in class?”, “Are the choices you are making helping or hurting your success in this class?”, and “What could you agree to do differently today or tomorrow? Please be specific”. This allows the student to understand how their choices effect the students around them and gives them an opportunity to improve their behavior.

Planned Ignoring

Planned ignoring can be used when a child is off task and it is believed at the time that they may be able to correct their behavior themselves. It is helpful as a conscious first response to a slightly distracting situation that another response may draw more attention to.

Time Chart

This tool is great for differentiation because not every student will need it. A time chart is a helpful way to assist the more easily distracted students to stay on task for longer periods of time. It is an encouraging way to give students a choice in their learning with a small amount of assistance from the teacher.