Swivel or Knees Please

Student Contributor: K. Aselton
Swivel or knees please is a preventative tool that can be used in any classroom when the teacher would like all the students to stop what they are working on and face the teacher, giving their full attention.

Swivel or knees please can be useful in every classroom. All the teacher has to do is say “swivel or knees please” to alert the class they would like their full attention. This tool is useful when students are working in groups and are around a table or sitting at their desks with their back to the teacher. When students are facing away from the teacher it is easier for the student to not pay attention. For example, some students may want to continue working on an assignment and the result is them being distracted and not hear what the teacher is saying or seeing what they are doing. While it is great that the student is determined to get the assignment done, the student can miss out on valuable information that may relate to the next project or lesson. Having students facing the teacher ensures that the students have their undivided attention on the teacher. The teacher can now make eye contact with every student and not have to worry about repeating the information to those that are distracted with their backs to them.

Swivel or knees please belongs in the preventative phase because it helps prevent distractions and disruptions in class. Preventing distractions and disruptions can help avoid having to use the corrective phase. If the students are listening and focused on the teacher, there is nothing to correct. This tool can also be linked to the supportive phase because it supports student learning. This tool could be classified as collaborative and/or teacher based. This tool could be collaborative because it involves the teacher asking for the students attention, and the students giving it. Or it could be seen as teacher based if the teacher is demanding the students attention.

More Information –
Tool Source: Dr. Gus Nollmeyer

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