Reporting View | Description | Key & Frequency | Recommended Search Columns |
| Contains data pertaining to a student's academic history events.One row per person.PERSON_UID ACADEMIC_HISTORY_EVENT TRANSCRIPT_IND, PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains data about all awards sought and/or earned by a student. Details include program of academic study, majors, degree GPA, total credits earned, institutional and departmental honors, etc. The GOVERNMENT_ACADEMIC_OUTCOME reporting view may be used to report on only those outcomes that were awarded.One row per person per outcome number.PERSON_UID, OUTCOME_NUMBER STATUS, STUDENT_LEVEL ACADEMIC_PERIOD_GRADUATION PROGRAM, MAJOR, PERSON_UID COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, PERSON_UID | | |
| Uses data from the ACADEMIC_OUTCOME reporting view. Displays up to 3 sets of values based on the student level. Currently, there are no associated display rules so the three most recent academic outcomes will be displayed.One row per person per student level.PERSON_UID, STUDENT_LEVEL ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains data for each curriculum/program the student is considered active. A student will have one record for each different academic study recorded for the person. All current and active curriculum records for an academic period will have a separate reporting row for ease of reporting. The field of study associated with the active curriculum will be included for up to four majors, each potentially having up to three associated concentrations. The curriculum may also display up to four associated minors. The student's primary curriculum for the academic period will be flagged with the PRIMARY_PROGRAM_IND set to Y.One row per person per academic period with student activity per curriculum.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PRIMARY_PROGRAM_IND, PROGRAM_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data for each curriculum/program, the student is considered active and permitted to enroll for the academic period. A student will have one record for each different academic study recorded for the person. All current and active curriculum records for an academic period will have a separate reporting row for ease of reporting. The field of study associated with the active curriculum will be included for up to four majors, each potentially having up to three associated concentrations. The curriculum may also display up to four associated minors. The student's primary curriculum for the academic period will be flagged with the PRIMARY_PROGRAM_IND set to Y.One row per person per academic period per curriculum per defined term code.PERSON_UID, PRIMARY_PROGRAM_IND, PROGRAM_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data for persons who have been identified with an administrator role. The administrator role may be to rate an applicant for admissions on different admission criteria.One row per administrator per person per academic period per application or recruit number.PERSON_UID ADMINISTRATOR_UID | | |
| Contains data specific to an application to study at the institution submitted by the person. Multiple academic years and or academic periods are available for comparison reporting.One row per person per academic period per application number per curriculum. PERSON_UID PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, APPLICATION_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID ACADEMIC_PERIOD, STUDENT_LEVEL, PROGRAM | | |
| Contains data that is a characteristic for the admissions applicant to be tracked for the application number in the academic period.One row per person per academic period per application number per attribute.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, APPLICATION_NUMBER ADMISSIONS_ATTRIBUTE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data that identifies the applicant as a member of a group to be tracked within the system with their anticipated start and end academic period. This information is used for special reporting.One row per person per application number per academic period per cohort.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, APPLICATION_NUMBER COHORT, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data for all admission decisions recorded for the application. Data Includes decision, description, sequence of entry and effective date of decision.One row per person per academic period per application number per decision number per decision.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, APPLICATION_NUMBER DECISION, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Uses data from the ADMISSIONS_DECISION reporting view. Displays up to 5 sets of values based on the last decisions recorded for the academic period and application number.One row per person per academic period per application number.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, APPLICATION_NUMBER ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains data about the ratings recorded for an admissions application as determined by the administrator assigned to evaluate the application.One row per person per academic period per application number per rating.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, APPLICATION_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data about items or other documents required from the applicant before the institution considers their application complete and ready for admission consideration. Details include the most recent request date and the requirement received date.One row per person per academic period per application number per requirement.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, APPLICATION_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD, REQUIREMENT | | |
| Contains all the sources or ways that the applicant heard about the institution and primary source the application was submitted.One row per person per academic period per application number per institution (or source).ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, APPLICATION_NUMBER INSTITUTION, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Uses data from the ADMISSIONS_SOURCE reporting view. Displays up to 3 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of SOURCE and a delivered internal code of ADMSSRCE.One row per person per profile code per academic periodPERSON_UID,PROFILE_CODE,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,APPLICATION_NUMBER,ADMISSIONS_SOURCE_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains data about the advisors assigned to a person. Details include advisor type description and the primary advisor identification.One row per person per academic period per advisor.ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID | | |
| Uses data from the ADVISOR reporting view. Displays up to 2 sets of values based on the person advisor relationship and academic period. Currently there are no associated display rules.One row per person per academic period.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains student audit course results for courses needed with their take type. Also contains courses and credits required for the requirement rule associate with the course.One row per person uid, per result_sequence_numberAUDIT_RESULT_KEY PERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,COURSE_IDENTIFICATION PERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,STUDENT_LEVEL,DEGREE,BLOCK_ID | | |
| Contains data for a student audit on block credits and courses needed, block credits and courses required, block credits and courses counted, and block gpa as well as information about the block itself. Percentages for credits or courses completed by block and ranges that various counts or percentages fall into.One row per person uid, per block_sequence_numberPERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,REQUIRE_PCT_COMPLETE_RANGE PERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,CREDITS_PCT_COMPLETE_RANGE PERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,GPA_RANGE PERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,AUDIT_ACADEMIC_PERIOD,STUDENT_LEVEL,DEGREE,BLOCK_SEQUENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains student audit course results and details for courses counted, courses needed, fall-through courses counted, insufficient courses counted and over-the-limit courses. If courses are needed, they are identified as may take, must take, or can't take. If courses are counted, then their equivalent course details are displayed such as grade, transfer or repeat course information. Also contains courses and credits required for the requirement rule associate with the course.One row per person uid, per result_sequence_numberAUDIT_RESULT_KEY PERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,COURSE_IDENTIFICATION PERSON_UID,AUDIT_TYPE,STUDENT_LEVEL,DEGREE,BLOCK_ID | | |
| Contains student audit non-course results and details for non-courses counted, courses needed,and fall-through courses counted. If non-courses are needed, they are identified as may take, must take, or can't take. If non-courses are counted, then their equivalent non-course details are displayed.One row per person uid, per result_sequence_numberAUDIT_RESULT_KEY PERSON_UID, AUDIT_TYPE, NON_COURSE PERSON_UID, AUDIT_TYPE, STUDENT_LEVEL, DEGREE, BLOCK_ID | | |
| Contains detail information about the block registration course reference number assigned and registration rules assigned to the student in this academic period.One row per academic period per person per block registration per course reference numberACADEMIC_PERIOD,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER SUBJECT,COURSE_NUMBER,ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,BLOCK_REGISTRATION,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data about attributes associated with a course or offering. These attributes are used to identify characteristics of the course. For example, first year, second year, writing skill, science lab, computer skill, etc.One row per subject and course number per academic period per course attribute.ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER COURSE_ATTRIBUTE | | |
| Uses data from the COURSE_ATTRIBUTE reporting view. Displays up to 5 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of ATTRIBUTES and a delivered defined internal code of CRSEATTR.One row per subject and course number per profile code SUBJECT,COURSE_NUMBER,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,PROFILE_CODE,ATTRIBUTE_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains details for a subject (course) offered as part of the instruction in an academic study program. Details tracked will be specific to each academic period for which the subject could be offered. Academic periods will end when the course has an end academic period or when the status associated with the subject makes it not available to be scheduled.One row per subject and course number per academic period in which the course was active.SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data about a course identification (subject and course number) for the corequisite that must be taken in the same academic period as the subject and course number for which this record.One row per subject and course number per academic period per course identification for the corequisite.ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER SUBJECT_COREQ, COURSE_NUMBER_COREQ | | |
| Contains data about the type of credit that can be earned for a course. For example, the levels might be Undergraduate, Graduate, Credit, Apprenticeship, etc. This would permit the reporting of which student level transcripts this course can appear.One row per subject and course number per academic period per course level.ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER COURSE_LEVEL | | |
| Uses data from the COURSE_LEVEL reporting view. Displays up to 4 sets of values based on the course levels recorded for the course identification for the academic period.One row per course identification per academic period.SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains detail data about a section (schedule offering) of a course (subject and course number) when it has associated section-based or course-based specific fees for a specific academic period. Details include whether the fee is a flat fee or an amount per credit for the course and if any curriculum values were used in the rule to assess this fee.One record per academic term per course offering per detail code per sequence number.DETAIL_CODE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, DETAIL_CODE, FEE_LEVEL | | |
| Contains data about a course identification (subject and course number) for the prerequisite that must be taken in a previous academic period as the subject and course number for which this is recorded. Details include whether it may alternatively be taken in the same academic period.One row per subject and course number per academic period per course identification for the prerequisite.ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data about a course identification (subject and course number) for the prerequisite that must be taken in a previous academic period as the subject and course number for this record. Details include whether it may alternatively be taken in the same academic period. Data will be presented combining all prerequisite conditions into a single text string opposed to the individual rows in the COURSE_PREREQ.One row per subject and course number per academic period per course identification (subject and course number).ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains details of the offering delivery type (lecture, lab, internet, etc) and its weight in calculating the instructor's work load.One row per subject and course number per academic period per schedule.ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER SCHEDULE | | |
| Uses data from the COURSE_SCHEDULE reporting view. Displays up to 4 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of SCHEDULE TYPE and a delivered or institution defined internal code. Delivered internal codes of CRSESCHD may be used independently by the institution.One row per subject and course number per academic period per profile code per schedule rule.SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PROFILE_CODE, SCHEDULE_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains enrollment data for those persons with registration activity in an academic period. Note the persons permitted to register who may or may not have a row in ENROLLMENT can be obtained using the STUDENT reporting view. All active and permitted to register persons who have program or curriculum will have a row in the ACADEMIC STUDY reporting view.One row per person per academic period enrolled.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains student withdrawal data for persons who enrolled for the academic period but has withdrawn or been administratively withdrawn from the institution. This reporting view may be used to report how much of an academic period the person attended. Persons who have an enrollment withdrawal record will have a record in the ENROLLMENT and the ACADEMIC STUDY reporting views.One row per person per academic period per withdrawal record number.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| This table depicts Exceptions appliedOne row per person uid, per exception sequencePERSON_UID,STUDENT_LEVEL,DEGREE,BLOCK_ID PERSON_UID,EXCEPTION_TYPE,EXCEPTION_STATUS AUDIT_KEY | | |
| Contains detail information from the student administration area for the academic staff member. The staff members assignments can be viewed and reported using the INSTRUCTIONAL ASSIGNMENT and NON INSTRUCTIONAL ASSIGNMENT reporting views.One row per faculty member per academic period.PERSON_UID CONTRACT_RULE PERSON_UID, HOME_COLLEGE, HOME_DEPARTMENT ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains the faculty attributes (institution assigned reporting values) associated with an instructor or academic staff member. The attributes can be used to group faculty for reporting.One row per person per academic period per faculty attribute.ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID FACULTY_ATTRIBUTE | | |
| Uses data from the FACULTY_ATTRIBUTE reporting view. Displays up to 5 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of ATTRIBUTES and a delivered internal code of FACLATTR.One row per person per academic period per profile code.PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,PROFILE_CODE,ATTRIBUTE_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains institution organization associated with the instructor or academic staff member by academic period. The details will include all college and department associations along with indication of the home administrative college and or department, and the percentage responsibility for the home organization.One row per person per academic period per college and or department combination.ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains detail data for each faculty feedback issue or recommendation recorded for the feedback session whether faculty feedback was mandatory or optional for the student courses. This reporting view shows all feedback issues and recommendations recorded within the feedback session and maybe used by itself or with other reporting views to report the feedback and other student attributes.One row per feedback session per academic period per course reference number per personPERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FEEDBACK_SESSION_KEY, PERSON_GRADE_COMMENT_KEY, INSTUCTOR_UID | | |
| Contains informational data about the faculty feedback session rules and the student estimated grade and comment entered by the faculty member of the feedback session. This data may be combined with the faculty feedback detail regarding all issues or recommendations recorded the instructor to obtain complete mandatory and optional input for student registered for the academic period in a student course.One row per academic period per course reference number per feedback session per personPERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FEEDBACK_SESSION_KEY,FEEDBACK_KEY, INSTUCTOR_UID | | |
| Audit trail of all fields of study assigned to a curricula for a student or learner.One row per occurrence of field of study per curricula per student or learner.PERSON_UID PERSON_UID, SOURCE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, SOURCE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, CURRICULUM_PRIORITY, ACTIVE_IND FIELD_OF_STUDY, FIELD_OF_STUDY_TYPE PERSON_UID, FIELD_OF_STUDY_TYPE, PRIORITY, ACTIVE_IND | | |
| Contains the common data required for government reporting on the number of academic outcomes completed for the time frame. Contains only the academic period and person who have completed an academic study (award, degree, certificate, etc.). This reporting view may be joined with other reporting views for external and or internal report requirements.One row per person per academic period per outcome number per address rule.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COHORT_RULE ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, OUTCOME_NUMBER STUDENT_LEVEL PROGRAM, MAJOR, PERSON_UID COLLEGE, DEPARTMENT, PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains the common data required for government reporting on application statistics for a time frame. Contains only the academic period and person who have applied to the institution with all details regarding that application. This reporting view may be joined with other reporting views for external and or internal report requirements.One row per person per academic period per application number per curriculum per test rule.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, APPLICATION_NUMBER COHORT, ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, TEST_RULE PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, APPLICATION_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD, STUDENT_LEVEL, PROGRAM | | |
| Contains common data on course registration used for government reporting. Details are included for the courses (subjects) that are registered or in progress (where the course has a course registration 'count in enrolled' set to Yes) for the academic period reported. It may be joined with other reporting views required for external or internal reporting requirements.One row per person per academic period per course reference number.PERSON_UID ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER, ACADEMIC_PERIOD COURSE_IDENTIFICATION, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, COURSE_LEVEL, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER COURSE_COLLEGE, COURSE_DEPARTMENT, COURSE_IDENTIFICATION, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains data for enrolled students required for government reporting. Details are included only for those persons who have a row in ENROLLMENT for the academic period reported. This reporting view can be joined with other reporting views to meet external or internal reporting requirements. The curriculum may also display up to four associated minors. The student's primary curriculum for the academic period will be flagged with the PRIMARY_PROGRAM_IND set to Y.One row per person per academic period per student level per program number per reportable cohort per active cohort.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, COHORT PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PRIMARY_PROGRAM_IND, PROGRAM_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PRIMARY_PROGRAM_IND | | |
| Contains detail data for any type of student GPA (grade point average) or Average. Details include all the data required to calculate different types of GPAs. The current data loaded includes only overall level (undergraduate, graduate), academic period GPA information.One row per person per GPA time indicator (identifies time based (academic period) or not time based (other to be defined by institution)) per GPA group (cumulative or academic period) per academic study area student level per GPA type (institution, transfer or overall).PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_STUDY_VALUE, GPA_TIME_IND, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, GPA_GROUPING, GPA_TYPE PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_STUDY_VALUE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, GPA_TYPE GPA_TIME_IND, GPA_GROUPING, ACADEMIC_STUDY_AREA, ACADEMIC_STUDY_VALUE | | |
| Contains GPA (grade point average) or average details for a person by student level of academic study (undergraduate, graduate). Details include the component data used to calculate the GPA.One row per person per academic study area (student level) per GPA Type (institution, transfer, overall).PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_STUDY_VALUE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, GPA_TYPE ACADEMIC_STUDY_VALUE | | |
| Contains GPA (grade point average) or average details for a person by academic period. Details include the component data used to calculate the GPA.One row per person per academic period per GPA type (institution, transfer, overall).PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_STUDY_VALUE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, GPA_TYPE ACADEMIC_STUDY_VALUE | | |
| Contains all instructor assignments for scheduled offerings of a course (subject) for the academic period or faculty contract time frame. Details include faculty human resource position and job suffix, percent responsibility, etc. These details can be used with the no instructional assignments to determine the faculty members total workload.One row per person per academic period per course reference number per meeting time combination or session indicator (category on the database table)ACADEMIC_PERIOD,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER,CATEGORY | | |
| Uses data from the INSTRUCTIONAL ASSIGNMENT reporting view. Displays up to 3 sets of values when more than one instructor is assigned to a course reference number. Currently there are no associated display rules.One row per course reference number per academic period per instructor assigned.COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains details for all meal plan assignments made for the person.One row per person per academic period per meal plan assigned.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains details for the section meeting dates, days, times, buildings and rooms.One row per course reference number per academic period per category, per meeting time combination.ACADEMIC_PERIOD,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER,CATEGORY,BEGIN_TIME,MONDAY_IND,TUESDAY_IND,WEDNESDAY_IND,THURSDAY_IND,FRIDAY_IND,SATURDAY_IND,SUNDAY_IND SUBJECT,COURSE_NUMBER SUBJECT,COURSE_NUMBER,ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Uses data from the MEETING TIME reporting view. Displays up to 10 sets of values when more than one meeting time exists for a course reference number. Details include the meeting dates, days, times, building and room number. Currently there are no associated display rules.One row per course reference number per academic period.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Uses data from the NONINSTRUCT_ASSIGN reporting view. Displays up to 6 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of FACULTY ASSIGNMENTS and a delivered or institution defined internal code. Delivered internal codes of FACLNIST may be used independently by the institution.One row per person (instructor) per academic period per profile period per assignment rule.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PROFILE_CODE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains detail data about the non-teaching assignments for an instructor that are used in calculating the instructor's workload. These details can be used with the instructional assignments to determine the faculty members total workload.One row per person per academic period per profile code per non instructional type.PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,PROFILE_CODE,ASSIGNMENT RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains course reference number section specific corequisite data for two or more subject and course numbers that must be taken in the same academic period.One row per academic period per course reference number per course reference number corequisite.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains grade options or types of grades available for this schedule offering (section). This data will be either a specific grade type specified for the section or one or more values permitted for the course identification from the course catalog.One row per academic period per course reference number per grade type.SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data about a section that either uses the data defined for the course identification (subject and course number) or overridden for this course reference number as the set of prerequisite that must be satisfied prior to registering for this schedule offering (section). Details include whether it may alternatively be taken in the same academic period.One row per academic period per course reference number per prerequisite course identification.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains details regarding honors granted by a department to a person for a qualifying academic outcome (award, degree, certificate, etc.).One row per person per outcome number per honor.PERSON_UID, OUTCOME_NUMBER | | |
| Contains details regarding honors granted either by the institution or by a department of the institution to a person for a qualifying academic outcome (award, degree, certificate, etc.).One row per person per outcome number per honor.PERSON_UID, OUTCOME_NUMBER HONOR_IND | | |
| Contains details regarding honors granted by the institution to a person for a qualifying academic outcome (award, degree, certificate, etc.).One row per person per outcome number per honor.PERSON_UID, OUTCOME_NUMBER | | |
| Contains details when a telephone assignment is made by assigning a phone rate to a person.One row per person per academic period per phone rate.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_YEAR, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, SUB_ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains detail information about the registration plan templates that may have been used to create a list of academic periods and courses to be taken in each in sequence of academic periods for the student level and program or degree.One row per academic period per plan sequence number key per plan course keyTEMPLATE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,TEMPLATE_COURSE_KEY | | |
| Contains detail data for persons who are current active students at the institution. For example, persons who are either an applicant or a prospect of the institution. They will have one pre student record even if they have multiple inquiry records and/or applications. Details included in the pre student view will include last secondary and last post secondary institution attended when appropriate. It will also include a count of test scores recorded in the system for the person.One row per person.PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains summary information about the seats needed per the student registration plans.One row academic period per course identification and or course reference numberACADEMIC_PERIOD,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER COURSE_NUMBER,ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD,COURSE_IDENTIFICATION,COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains characteristics to be tracked within the system for the recruit. Data tracked will assist in grouping the recruits for reporting purposes.One row per person per academic period per recruit number per recruiting attribute.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, RECRUIT_NUMBER RECRUITING_ATTRIBUTE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data that identifies a recruit as a member of a group to be tracked within the system. The cohorts are used primarily to identify a group to be tracked for reporting.One row per person per academic period per recruit number per cohort.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, RECRUIT_NUMBER COHORT, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data for all inquiries made by persons considering or planning to study at the institution. Details include the type of contact, dates and academic study or program of interest, etc.One row per person per academic period per recruit number.ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, RECRUIT_NUMBER COLLEGE MAJOR RATE PERSON_UID | | |
| Identifies the recruiting learned information for a person.One row per person per academic year per sequence number per learned code.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, RECRUIT_NUMBER, LEARNED ACADEMIC_PERIOD, LEARNED | | |
| Contains the institution (agency or organization) that was the major influence on the recruit to contact the institution to request information.One row per person per academic period per recruit number per institution (source).ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, RECRUIT_NUMBER PERSON_UID | | |
| Uses data from the RECRUITMENT_SOURCE reporting view. Displays up to 3 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of SOURCE and a delivered internal code of RECRSRCE.One row per person per recruit number per profile code.PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,RECRUIT_NUMBER,PROFILE_CODE,RECRUITMENT_SOURCE_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains high-level overview information about a registration plan created by the student for the academic period.One row per person per academic period per plan keyPERSON_UID,��ACADEMIC_PERIOD,��PLAN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,PLAN_KEY,PLAN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,ACADEMIC_PERIOD_KEY | | |
| Contains detail information about the student's registration plan for the person that lists the student courses and or sections to be taken in the academic period.One row per person per academic period per plan sequence number key per plan course keyPERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD,PLAN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER,PLAN_COURSE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER PLAN_COURSE_KEY,PLAN_SEQUENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Uses data from the ADMISSIONS_REQUIREMENT reporting view. Displays up to 7 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of CHECK LIST and a delivered or institution defined internal code. Delivered internal codes of ADMSCHKL may be used independently by the institution.One row per person per application number per profile code per requirement rule.PERSON_UID, PROFILE_CODE, REQUIREMENT_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains data on all room assignments made to institution residence halls and other tracked housing facilities. Details are included for student academic period assignments as well as specialized room assignments for a conference or a day, etc.One row per person per academic period per building and room number.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_YEAR, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, SUB_ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data about attributes associated with a schedule offering. These attributes are used to identify characteristics of the section or offering. For example, first year, second year, writing skill, science lab, computer skill, etc.One row per academic period per course reference number and schedule attribute.SCHEDULE_ATTRIBUTE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains detail data for a section (schedule offering) of a subject or course within a specific time period like an academic period.One row per course reference number per academic period and sub academic period.SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data regarding persons who are involved in official institution sports activities and need to be tracked within the system. For example, the NCAA details required for reporting on students participating in the sport are accessed using this reporting view.One row per person per academic period per activity.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, ACTIVITY | | |
| Uses data from the SPORT reporting view. Displays up to 5 sets of values based on the sport activities recorded for the academic period. There are currently no sequence rules available for this repeating view.One row per person per academic period.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains data for the student for the academic period that will not be different when the person is admitted to more than one academic study within the timeframe. Includes indicators reflecting student current status in several important groupings to make reporting groups easier for the reporting user. Details include whether the current student status at the institution will permit the student to enroll or if the student is a new admit in the academic period.One row per person per academic period with active student records.PERSON_UID,ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data about activities associated with a person within a time frame. Details include other codes that permit the activities to be grouped different ways for reporting purposes like activity type and activity category.One row per person per academic period per activity.PERSON_UID | | |
| Contains characteristics to be tracked within the system for the student. Data tracked will assist in grouping the students for reporting purposes.One row per person per academic period per student attribute.ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE | | |
| Uses data from the STUDENT_ATTRIBUTE reporting view. Displays up to 10 values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of STUDENT ATTRIBUTE and a delivered or institution defined internal code. Delivered internal code of STDNATTR may be used by the institution.One row per person per academic period per profile code per attribute rule.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PROFILE_CODE, ATTRIBUTE_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains data that identifies the student as a member of a group to be tracked within the system with their anticipated start and end academic period. This information is used for special reporting.One row per person per academic period per cohort.ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, COHORT | | |
| Uses data from the STUDENT_COHORT reporting view. Displays up to 3 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of COHORT and a delivered or institution defined internal code. Delivered internal codes of STDNCHRT may be used independently by the institution.One row per person per academic period per profile code per cohort rule.PERSON_UID, PROFILE_CODE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COHORT_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains detail data for student courses recorded in the system. Courses taken by the student may be registered (in progress course), graded (institutional history), and transferred (transfer credit granted) courses. This reporting view shows all courses associated with the student in a single reporting view. Indicators permit the report user to identify groupings of courses for selected reporting needs.One row per person per academic period per course reference number.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, IN_PROGRESS_COURSE_IND PERSON_UID, TRANSFER_COURSE_IND PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, INSTITUTION_COURSE_IND ACADEMIC_PERIOD PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_LEVEL PERSON_UID, COURSE_IDENTIFICATION PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_IDENTIFICATION COURSE_IDENTIFICATION, ACADEMIC_PERIOD GRADE_VALUE, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains data about the student course attributes associated with a subject and course number completed by the person. Reporting requirements for these student course attributes include grouping the courses to complete specific academic completion requirements and reporting on those.One row per person per academic period per course reference number per course attribute.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID, SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Uses data from the STUDENT_COURSE_ATTRIBUTE reporting view. Displays up to 5 sets of values based on the defined display rule(s) with an internal group of ATTRIBUTES and a delivered internal code of HISTATTR.One row per person per academic period per course reference number per profile code.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, PROFILE_CODE, ATTRIBUTE_RULE ACTIVITY_DATE | | |
| Contains all details and history of the grade changes for the subject or course completed by the student. Data includes the grade change reason and date so that analytical and statistical reporting on grades can be done.One row per person per academic period per course reference number per final grade sequence number.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, FINAL_GRADE_SEQUENCE_NUMBER GRADE_CHANGE_REASON FINAL_GRADE GRADE_COMMENT | | |
| Contains audit information for all student registration activity.One row per sequence number per course request number per student per academic period.ACADEMIC_PERIOD SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER, SEQUENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains data for the student for the academic period that will not be different when the person is admitted to more than one academic study within the timeframe. Includes indicators reflecting student current status in several important groupings to make reporting groups easier for the reporting user. Details include whether the current student status at the institution will permit the student to enroll or if the student is a new admit in the academic period. One row per person per academic period.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD, STUDENT_CLASSIFICATION_BOAP STUDENT_CLASSIFICATION, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains detail data for a each course a student completed at another institution for which this institution is granted equivalent course credit. This reporting view will contain the details as recorded on the received transfer institution transcript as well as the institution equivalent course for which the student is receiving credit. This reporting will show one row for each Transfer Course Detail Repeating Table (SHRTRCE) and Transfer Course Equivalent Repeating Table (SHRTRCE) combination. Therefore they may be more than one row per entry on either the transfere course or the equivalent course. This reporting view should not be used in combination with the STUDENT_COURSE reporting view which will have one row per each Transfer Course Equivalent Repeating Table row.One row per person per academic period per transferred course per equivalent courseTRANSFER_COURSE_INSTITUTION, TRANSFER_COURSE_SUBJECT, TRANSFER_COURSE_NUMBER PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER PERSON_UID, TRANSFER_COURSE_INST_SEQ_NO PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_SEQ_NO COURSE_IDENTIFICATION, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID ACADEMIC_PERIOD, PERSON_UID, COURSE_LEVEL, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER SUBJECT, COURSE_NUMBER, ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Contains details of any student work experience completed as a portion of their academic study. This will include but not be limited to cooperative education, internship, apprenticeship, sandwich courses and detail information regarding each experience.One row per person per student level per academic period per work experience employer.PERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD, STUDENT_LEVEL ACADEMIC_PERIOD, COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Contains percentile types recorded for a test from the test reporting view based on institution defined rules.One row per test percentile per person, per test score per test date.PERSON_UID,TEST,TEST_DATE,TEST_PERCENTILE_TYPE | | |
| Transcript Comments by Term.One row per person uid per level per academic period per comment sequence number.PERSON_UID, COMMENT_TYPE ACADEMIC_PERIOD, ORIGINATOR ORIGINATOR, COMMENT_TYPE STUDENT_LEVEL, COMMENT_TYPE COMMENT_TYPE | | |
| Contains certification data for those persons with registration activity in an academic period who require certification of credits enrolled to the federal row per person per academic period per veteran certification creditsPERSON_UID, ACADEMIC_PERIOD ACADEMIC_PERIOD | | |
| Common course level information used in EDW extraction processes.One row per person, per period, per course.C_PERSON_UID,C_ACADEMIC_PERIOD,C_COURSE_REFERENCE_NUMBER | | |
| Common institution level information used in many EDW extraction processes.One row per institution.INSTITUTION | | |
| Common person detail level information used in many EDW extraction processes.One row per person.PERSON_ID,MULTI_SRC | | |
| Common student class level information used in EDW extraction processes.One row per person, per level, per period range.PERSON_UID,STUDENT_LEVEL,MIN_ACAD_PER,MAX_ACAD_PER | | |