Draft goal statements and Desired outcomes

Creating goals and desired outcomes are a critical component of the strategic planning process. Having both goal statements and desired outcomes established aid in creating a clear sense of direction and purpose for the institution.

We have four (draft) values and working groups. Here are their draft goal statements and desired outcome areas as of February 29, 2024.

Belonging through Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Goal statement (Draft) – Through the active engagement and continuous learning of students, faculty, staff and administrators, as well as commitment to equitable practices from university executive leadership, we aspire to create an environment that fosters a profound sense of belonging, actively promotes and sustains equity, dismantles systemic barriers, and embraces the unique perspective of all individuals.

Desired Outcomes (Draft)
1. Pedagogy/culturally responsive teaching/learning in curricular and co-curricular spaces
2. Empower and Support Students
3. Dismantle Systemic Barriers
4. Sponsorship and development of employees
5. Belonging and community integration

Investing in Our People and Places
Goal Statement – We foster an equitable, sustainable, and supportive physical and social environment that encourages the recruitment, retention, and growth of all EWU employees.

Desired Outcomes (Draft) –
1. Supports potential / existing staff/ faculty overall wellbeing
2.Intentional planning to implement successful environment
3. Support EagleWell and other programs alike
4. Support innovative/engaging learning/co-curricular activities and gain essential skill development
5. Core values, and essential knowledge for each employee
6. Alumni connections, affinity groups, celebration / gratitude to all employees

Regional Anchor / Regional Impact
Goal Statement – EWU will launch interdisciplinary initiatives that combine applied educational programming, scholarly research, and community engagement. These initiatives will prioritize economic diversification that focuses on sectors critical to the Pacific Northwest’s vitality. EWU will position its graduates as pivotal contributors to regional wealth creation, equity, and stewardship of the region’s natural resources.

Desired Outcomes (Draft) –
1. Experiential learning, gainful employment, community engagement
2. Urban and regional planning (cheney & Spokane), community partnerships
3. Alumni engagement (mentoring, job placement training)
4. Representation in regional organizations, lead a community based initiate
5. Investment planning, change management

Student Success and Student Experience
Goal Statement – We will reshape our institutional mindset and practices to (1) promote student success and close structural equity gaps through (2) a holistic, decolonial, people-centered, value-driven approach that prioritizes student well-being in multiple dimensions and (3) support students’ self-exploration and self-understanding of their values, identities, cultural heritages and career paths.

Desired Outcomes (Draft) –

  1. Promote Student Success and Close Structural Equity Gaps (exact numeric bench marks will be determined by SSRC collectively)
  2. Adopt a holistic, decolonial, people-centered, value-driven approach that prioritizes student well-being in multiple dimensions (e.g. physical well-being, mental/psychological well-being, cultural/linguistic well-being, financial well-being)
  3. Support student’s self-exploration and self-understanding of their values, identities, cultural heritages and career paths
  4. Additional outcomes based on input gathered from students 

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