2023 Class List

Morning Session (8:10-10 a.m.)

One of the most pressing issues of today is the need for clean energy solutions to halt global climate change and curb the use of limited fossil fuels, but how can hydrogen and fuel cells be part of a solution? How do fuel cells actually work? Where do we get hydrogen and why is it the fuel of the future?  This class will provide answers to those questions and more. By the end of the class you’ll have a greater understanding of hydrogen and fuel cells and how they can help change the world.

Everyone has a voice. Some people have more training than others, but everyone can enjoy singing together (and maybe even a little by themselves). It doesn’t matter what kind of music you like: we’ll have fun exploring different music styles through our voices! So, get ready to sing. Maybe we’ll even dance. Maybe we’ll write some skits. Let’s just see what you want to do with your voice!

What makes a good reporter? What is newsworthy? How can I be sure what I read is true? What in the world is a lede? Learn the basics of news writing and reporting ethics while creating a camp archive for web and print. As a Harold reporter, you will be responsible for documenting memorable camp highlights in a daily newspaper distributed to the camp and preserved online, all while learning what makes news, news. Be the eyes, ears, and voice of Satori 2023!

Course restrictions: Must be a returning Satori camper; high school students only.

With the rise of popularity in comic books and the characters that live on and off their pages, we will explore different topics of social justice using this form of art and communication. What can we learn and how can we influence what is produced to create a better world? Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

Satori, by the Zen Buddhist definition, is a state of sudden spiritual enlightenment. In this class we will explore not only the meaning of Satori, but the culture that surrounds it. We will study both the Japanese language and the writings of the Japanese. Students in this class will even get to use Japanese calligraphy and make their own Kanji. Prepare to be enlightened!

Explore the Earth with hands on activities and gneiss rocks! Help blow up a trash can filled with water to decipher why magma chemistry and viscosity cause Hawaiian lava flows or explosive Cascade eruptions. If you don’t know what viscosity is, no worries – we will chat about that too! Model how we get our drinking water from the ground and has all the water really been recycled for over for 2 billion year? Chat about how Washington is along the tectonic margin of multiple supercontinents. Measure the tectonic forces needed to break rocks of different strengths, don’t just take rock strength for granite. Join us to explore all these questions and more geologic processes that make Earth so amazing in Satori Rocks!

From acting to directing to designing and more, every creative choice in the theatre is informed by historical and modern-day perspectives. Dramaturgy, the art of the theatre, explores the intersections of history, language, culture, creative writing, and design. In this class campers will read and discuss scenes and short plays, analyze production photos, and build a creative “toolbox” for bringing a production to life.

In this class we will explore the fundamentals of front-end web development. Today we use the internet to do pretty much everything, but creating the pages people see and interact with is a complex task. We’ll cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and finally the React framework to bring it all together.

Midday Session (10:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.)

It is estimated that 34% of the world’s population (2.69 billion people) play video games. However, the equity and quality of experiences for gamers can vary drastically depending on many factors. One such factor, disability, will be our subject as we explore what it is and how it impacts players of console, mobile, and PC games. We will study key concepts around inclusive design and representation. We’ll investigate assistive software and hardware tech utilized by those with disabilities, and the types of affordances and design decisions developers can include in their games to make them as accessible as possible.

You have probably talked about him in school. You have probably read or seen Shakespeare performed, probably in movie form. So why are we still doing these dusty 400 year old plays? Let’s really dig into the cannon, and see what makes these timeless stories tick. Let’s learn about the smart, funny, and often bawdy Bard.

In this class, we will learn how philosophy can help us better understand ethical problems and live better lives by playtesting a modified version of the Dungeons and Dragons, the greatest role-playing game ever created! Students will create characters and navigate a mythological world together. We will also take breaks from roleplaying to discuss some of the many philosophical questions posed by D&D. This class is open to new players and D&D fanatics alike! So, roll for initiative and answer the call to adventure! If you do, you just level up in real life!

This class will examine and discuss famous short stories from famous contemporary and classic authors, as well as working on short stories of our own throughout the week. The class will work together through creative exercises and peer editing. At the end of the week, we will make a small digital magazine of the stories we worked on.

In this course, we will think about some important current social issues (for example: civil rights, achievement gap, economic disparities, immigration, gender equality, etc.) that are important to each of us personally and examine many of the personal, social, political, and philosophical complexities that undergird them. As we do so, we will reflect on own stories of identity and develop a personal philosophy grounded in our lived experience and values.

Art Block who? This class explores art-making through a playful, curious and intuitive approach to better access art’s superpower skills of creativity, problem solving and self-care. This studio class will be comprised of mixed media warmups and exercises, projects, self-reflection and group discussions.

Get ready to work your books off in this class, and you’ll have your very own story by the end of the week. We’ll deconstruct picture book structure and establish a creative process that will generate not good, but great ideas. Forget Eric Carle, Maurice Sendak, and Mo Willems—you could be the next big thing in picture books. Whether you’re into writing, illustration, or new to both, you’ll be a professional storyteller by THE END.

In this class we will explore the music and culture of Japan through Taiko drumming. Join us as we play traditional songs on actual taiko instruments and look into the integration of Japanese culture with this style of music. 私たちと一緒にドラムを演奏してください!(Play drums with us!)

Afternoon Session (1:10-3 p.m.)

Vertebrate life is highly diverse, but there are many shared features that highlight its common origin. In this crash course on anatomy and physiology, you will explore mechanisms of physiological processes as well as compare the anatomy of multiple vertebrae species. This course will involve examination of anatomical structures at multiple levels and an opportunity for you to get your hands on (and inside) a variety of vertebrate species.

Come join the Government of Satori, where we will elect leadership, form committees, draft legislation, debate important issues, and where we will draft our own Constitution. We will work together to find out if we can find a way for the nation of Satori to succeed.

This class will explore how pop culture and pop music intertwine.  We will discuss why music and media trends become popular.  How do pop music and social movements become trends? What is a fad and what is a tradition?  In the end, we will discuss why we play the songs at the annual camp dance.

Archaeology is a scientific study that is often portrayed inaccurately in popular culture. It is a fascinating and important discipline that provides a vital perspective on our evolving understanding of human history. Beyond the iconic imagery of fedoras, bullwhips, and dramatic chase scenes, archaeology involves a rigorous process of discovery and interpretation. In this class, we will explore the fundamentals of archaeology through the lens of Satori’s rich history (both real and imaginary). We’ll delve into the core concepts of archaeological theory, field survey, and excavation while uncovering artifacts that offer glimpses into the camp’s past. If you’re eager to dig up clues, solve mysteries, and unlock secrets from the past, then this is the class for you.

Want to be the next dynamite detective or superstar spy? Learn to apply math and logic towards cracking codes, investigating crime scenes, and cornering criminals. Each day, your group will tackle a new mystery with twists and turns along the way, ending with an Escape Room competition. Come sharpen your skills for your next caper, crime or whodunnit!

* Please do not register for this class if you took it last year.

Create stories. Create characters. Create worlds. Through a mixture of improvisation, acting exercises, and writing exercises, we’ll give your creativity a real work out. No performance experience required.

Video games are no longer child’s play. In 2023, the global gaming industry is worth more than $300 billion. In the U.S. alone, over three-quarters of households play electronic games. In this class, we’ll take on several different gaming-related topics. What is the current state of the game industry? How did it get started? How has digital content distribution transformed game development? What social and psychological ramifications can games have? How has the game industry evolved to be more inclusive and accessible? How does someone start a career in gaming? Come prepared to explore, discuss and debate these and other topics. (Parent advisory: Content shown/discussed in this class will be rated “Everyone” to “Mature.”)

Older than science, books and even math; language has been the hallmark of humanity. It binds us together and makes us a community. Campers will look at examples of a variety of languages, from Latin to Klingon and German to Elven, to learn the basic fundamentals of Linguistic Theory and to construct their own secret language.