Notification and Acceptance


When a sponsor issues an award (or declination), official notification can be made by phone, mail, or email. Recipients may include the PD/PI and/or the OGRD. It is important to forward all documents to the grants office as soon as you receive them. Do not sign any documents.

All external grants and contracts awarded must be routed through the OGRD. There are several required actions that must be completed before funds can be expended or work on the project can begin.

If your Proposal is not awarded

While is it discouraging to not receive a grant award, many times proposals are not awarded the first time they are submitted. The number of proposals submitted outweigh the number funded; as a result, many strong proposals are not funded. Commitment and perseverance can be the keys to success.

Most federal sponsors provide reviewer comments and overall evaluation of the proposal. Review the feedback to determine strengths and weaknesses of the proposal. For other funders, you may consider contacting the funding agency to request feedback, if available.

Award Acceptance

Once the award negotiation and acceptance processes are complete, you will be assigned a Post-Award Point-of-Contact, or POC, who will work with you to manage the award. At that time, a grant spending index will be set up and you will meet with your POC who will guide you through the post-award management process.

Looking for guidance? Feel free to take a look at our Glossary or FAQ pages, or contact us at or ext. 6567
Crafting Your Dreams. Together.