May 9th Scholar Cafe Announced!

On May 9th, we hold our second Scholar Cafe of spring! Providing insights and knowledge on undergraduate research, Dr. Majid K. Sharifi will discuss topics such as diplomacy and international development. Dr. Majid K. Sharifi is an Iranian-American who has lived and worked in the United States for over 30 years. Although a citizen of … Read more

May 1st Scholar Cafe Announced!

On May 1st, we hold our first Scholar Cafe of spring! Providing insights and knowledge on undergraduate research, Dr. Javier Ochoa-Reparaz will discuss topics such as working in a lab and NSF funding. Dr. Javier Ochoa-Reparaz’s research interests are focused on host-microbial gut interactions and the mechanisms of immunomodulation induced by gut symbionts in the context … Read more

Josiah Van Egdom’s Scholar Story

Josiah Van Egdom was accepted into McNair in 2016. Initially, his focus was on accounting and economics. That changed with McNair. He had a conversation with Dr. Christina Torres Garcia, program director, which challenged his future. While accounting was fine, Josiah wanted to study political science. With the encouragement of that conversation, and with the … Read more

McNair Faculty Mentors 2018

Muchas Gracias, Thank you for your mentoring It has been a pleasure to work with dedicated faculty research mentors throughout the 2017-2018 academic year. McNair faculty and their mentoring are critical components to our McNair Program. McNair appreciates your dedication to our EWU students.   College of STEM: TRIO McNair Faculty Research Mentor Dr. Andrea Castillo, … Read more