Bakima Ssebanakitta

Bakima Ssebanakitta SQUARE

Bakima Ssebanakitta graduated in Spring 2023 with a BA in Psychology through the Honors Program. Ssebanakitta has seven years of experience in professional life coaching, mediation, and end-of-life facilitation applications. Pursuing a path towards a PhD in Psychology, Ssebanakitta plans to expand into tenured professorship and private counseling practice. In counseling, her aim is to educate clients on self-advocacy and somatic approaches to healing. She hopes her research and creative writing background will merge valid academic knowledge into the public sphere, by culminating in an actionable book for humanity.

Ssebanakitta focused her undergraduate research in the quantitative relationships between stress and resiliency under the mentorship of Dr. Jillene Seiver. Future research interests include the cause of motivation, grief navigation, equitable societal applications, and grief scale creation.

Ssebanakitta was accepted by Gonzaga University’s MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program, and Seattle Pacific University’s Clinical Psychology PhD program, with funding.She will attend Eastern Washington University’s Master of Science in Counseling: Clinical Mental Health Specialization program, and serve as the new McNair GSA!

2022 EWU Faculty Research Mentor: Dr. Jillene Seiver
Research Poster

Research Title: Growth in Adults through the Covid-19 Pandemic

Abstract: Studies have shown that 60% of the US population will experience at least one potentially traumatic stressor within their lifetime (Yehuda, 2004). Kessler et al. (2005) suggest that approximately 3.5% of the population will show clinical levels of PTSD. As trauma begets future trauma (Gould et al., 2021), and past suffering negatively correlates with life satisfaction (Shrira & Shmotkin, 2008), understanding the properties of trauma resilience benefits the overall welfare of our human community at large. Yehuda (2004) indicated that six out of every ten people navigate the nine months directly following a traumatic stressor with both Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD; Gould et al., 2021; Yehuda, 2004) and Post Traumatic Growth (PTG; Kou et al., 2021). While we can attempt to influence non-harming behaviors and events for the population, direct control lies in individual skill development to navigate the distressing changes of life with more ease.

Thomas et al. (2020) described emotional intelligence’s (EI) effect as a mediator upon cognitive emotional regulation (CER) and Posttraumatic growth (PTG). Post Traumatic Growth is generally defined as a blanket term for the desirable, mental change directly developed by the difficulty of navigating extreme life events (Kou et al., 2021). Thomas et al. (2020) found positive and significant correlations of all adaptive CER strategies to both EI and PTG. Additionally, EI acted directly as a mediator upon CER Acceptance and positive reappraisal, and indirectly upon CER positive refocusing and refocusing on planning. Such resiliency increases can be used as a measure of overall Mental Wellness and the likelihood of remission from PTSD (Connor, 2006).

The current study utilized an additive cognitive approach to emotions and life satisfaction regarding trauma risk, experience, and outcomes, and questioned how past trauma and personal traits affect college students’ response to pandemic stressors. This study expands from Thomas et al.’s design, to discover whether those findings were repeatable, and added an analysis of frequency of past potentially traumatic event experiences (High Magnitude Stressor; HMS), EI factors vs. total EI score, and grief as an isolated stress factor. Conducted after the “height” of the COVID-19 pandemic, the current study combines the trauma event sources from Thomas et al. (2020) through a 2+ year, and an ongoing unique opportunity to widely study a protracted stressor (Covid-19 Pandemic) with varying levels of isolated yet related HMS events. We hypothesized that Thomas et al. (2020)’s findings would be generally supported; that grief would correlate with EI and PTG in parallel patterns to trauma history; and HMS would positively correlate with PTG, CER, and EI factors.

182 adult participants of a mostly student population (91%) were recruited from Eastern Washington University summer and fall quarter psychology classes. The sample was majority Female (88.4%), with ages ranging from 18-53 years old (M=24.71, SD= 8.20), and primarily White/Caucasian (56.8%), followed by Other (15.3%), Hispanic/Latino (11.5%), Asian/Pacific Islander (9.8%), Black (6%), and American Indian/Alaskan Native respondents (0.5%). All participants noted at least one HMS event in their lifetime (range = 1-24). 21.4% noted at least one Traumatic Stressor (TS), 19.8% noted at least one Persisting Posttraumatic Distress symptom event. Covid-19 was considered as an additional traumatic event for all participants without adjusting HMS count. Via SurveyMonkey, all participants completed four scales assessing trauma history (THS), cognitive-emotional regulation (CERQ), emotional intelligence (AES/SREIS), post-traumatic growth (PTGI), and several items regarding COVID-19’s impact.

The scores on the CERQ subscales, the AES/SREIS scores, and the HMS scores were divided into quartiles, and the bottom 25% of scores were labeled “low,” the top 25% were labeled “high,” and the middle 50% were labeled “middle.” A 3 (CERQ Acceptance) X 3 (CERQ Positive Reappraisal) X 3 (CERQ Perspective) MANOVA was performed on the PTGI and its five subscales (PTGI Relating, PTGI New Possibilities, PTGI Personal Strength, PTGI Spiritual Change, PTGI Life Appreciation, PTGI Total) with AES/SREIS as a covariate was run. These three adaptive CERQ traits were found to have significant effects upon PTGI Spiritual Change, PTGI Relating, PTGI New Possibilities, and PTGI Total with CERQ Positive Reappraisal having effecting the most variables (all four). For each CERQ Trait, significance of effect increased as the CERQ trait score strengthened. A subsequent MANOVA with HMS categories as the IV, AES/SREIS as a covariate, and the COVID effects questions as the DVs was calculated. A main effect of HMS was found for responses to the effect of COVID shutdown on life, with higher HMS scores correlating to higher effect sizes.

These results support EI’s importance with what positive psychology calls “the good life” through times of distress as well as when encountering daily average life events. Utilization of cognitive and behavioral coping skills to assist the internal narrative navigation post-event is crucial to outcome potentials. Additionally, support for the exploration of separate grief items on distress and anxiety related measures will be presented.

Bakima Ssebanakitta RMPA

EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta Attends Rocky Mountain Psychological Association’s Conference

On April 13-15, EWU McNair Scholar (and future GSA!) Bakima Ssebanakitta attended the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association‘s 2023 conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Bakima presented in a group symposium with professor Dr. Jillene Seiver and fellow McNair Scholar Ian Campuzano on Executive Function, Emotional Regulation, and Coping with Traumatic Events. Bakima was most impressed by the … Read more
2023 Symposium

17 McNair Scholars Present at EWU’s 2023 Student Research & Creative Works Symposium

On May 10, EWU held the 2023 Student Research and Creative Works Symposium. The Symposium is back in person since 2022, allowing excellent shared engagement as scholars discussed their research (both proposed and completed) with fellow students, faculty, and the EWU community. Many scholars shared their work in poster format in the PUB, while others … Read more
Bakima Ssebanakitta Outstanding Senior

EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta recognized as Outstanding Senior

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta! Bakima has been recognized as an Outstanding Senior for Psychology in the College of Professional Programs (CPP). Given to graduating seniors, recipients are selected by faculty within their degree program, and recognized for their outstanding academic performance. Her name will be listed in the 2023 EWU Commencement Program … Read more
Bakima Ssebanakitta GSA

EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta Selected as GSA for EWU McNair Scholar Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta! Bakima has been awarded a GSA position through EWU, and has been selected as the next GSA for the EWU McNair Scholar Program! She will be taking over the office GSA position, after Liina Koivula‘s graduation. Starting Fall 2023, you’ll find Bakima at the front desk in our … Read more
Bakima Ssebanakitta accepted to Gonzaga

EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta Accepted to Gonzaga’s MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta! Bakima has been accepted to Gonzaga University’s MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. From the Gonzaga Clinical Mental Health Counseling Student Learning Outcomes website: Students experience a transformational learning environment that honors the power of relationships and the importance of self-reflection and intentional personal growth promoting well-being contributing to … Read more
Bakima Ssebanakitta accepted to EWU

EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta Accepted to Eastern Washington University MS in Counseling Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta! Bakima has been accepted to Eastern Washington University’s Master of Science in Counseling: Clinical Mental Health Specialization program. From the EWU Clinical Mental Health Counseling website: The program is both extensive and comprehensive. It is nationally accredited by CACREP and fulfills education requirements for licensure for mental health counselors. Continuous … Read more
Bakima Ssebanakitta accepted to SPU

EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta Accepted to Seattle Pacific University PhD Program

Congratulations to EWU McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta! Bakima has been accepted to Seattle Pacific University’s Clinical Psychology PhD program, with funding. From the Clinical Psychology PhD at Seattle Pacific University website: Coursework is grounded in empirical literature that examines the interplay among biological, psychological, and social factors related to human adjustment. This bio-psychosocial perspective infuses … Read more
Bakima Ssebanakitta Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar

Bakima Ssebanakitta Selected as an EWU McNair Scholar and Awarded Summer Research Internship

Congratulations to new McNair Scholar Bakima Ssebanakitta! Bakima was selected by the McNair Scholars’ selection committee on the basis of her passion for research, commitment to attaining a PhD, and overall potential for success in graduate school. The federally-funded TRIO Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program at EWU selects motivated and talented juniors and seniors … Read more