2020-2021 McNair Faculty Mentors

Thank You EWU McNair Faculty Mentors!

Mentors start working with McNair Scholars in Spring Quarter, recommending literature and meeting with students to develop their proposed research. During the summer, they regularly meet with students, guide them on their research, and provide feedback on their work and writing. Many times this mentorship continues throughout the school year. Mentorship is one of the most critical elements of the McNair Program in helping students to become scholars and prepare for graduate school. We extend special thanks to the 2021-2022 faculty mentors, for taking on extra responsibilities during a uniquely challenging year.

Dr. Jillene Seiver

Mentor for Ian Campuzano and Darlynne Khayesi

Dr. Jillene Seiver is a Senior Lecturer in the Psychology Department. Her work focuses on: COVID-19 Homeschooling, Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Student Motivation, Distraction by Technology, Memory, and Homeschooling.

Mentor for Ashley Destin

Dr. Judd Case received his PhD in evolutionary biology from the University of California, Riverside. His research has centered on vertebrate paleontology to answer questions in the areas of evolution and biogeography. His emphasis has been on marsupials (the pouched mammals) in particular, but includes the evolution and biogeography Gondwanan plants and animals. Another area of his expertise is Blood & Disease.

Dr. Okera Nsombi

Mentor for Christina Hudson

Dr. Okera Nsombi is a professor in Africana Studies. He received his PhD from the University of Cincinnati.

Mentor for Seth McCullough

Dr. Justin Bastow is an Assistant Professor in the Biology Department. He received his PhD from University of California, Davis.

Mentor for Lucia Roussa

Dr. Camille McNeely is a professor of biology and holds a PhD in Integrative Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research interests include Ecosystem Processes and Community Interactions, Organisms’ Interactions, Ecological Roles, and Stream Ecosystem Health.

Mentor for Nyibol Thareek

Dr. Andrew Oster is an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics. He holds a PhD in Mathematics from the University of Utah. His research interests include computational neuroscience, mathematical physiology, biophysics of addiction, and neurodevelopment, in addition to business applications of mathematics relating to data science and scheduling.