
Student Contributor: L. Estey
This tool is a discussion strategy where students get to participate and observe. They are either in the middle, discussing, and being a “fish”; or they are sitting on the outside observing. This tool is helpful because the students get to discuss is depth, hear all of their peers other ideas, and they don’t have the pressure of having to talk about all topics.

This tool should be used when having large group discussions, it promotes full group participation. The group on the inside will talk, while the outside observes. Once everyone in the middle has said what they have prepared, the outside is invited to sit at “frog rock”, this is to ask questions that may have come up during the discussion, in hopes that an even deeper discussion will begin to happen. This tool can be used to talk about academics, housekeeping ideas, or anything else. Keep in mind the structure and procedures that need to be set in place before doing using this tool, making sure everyone feels heard and has the chance to participate.

This tool is part of the Supportive phase, it supports how the students interact and learn from each other. This is also a different kind of grouping technique to help ensure inclusion. It could also relate to the Corrective phase because it helps promote full participation, which will help those students that have trouble focusing or participating because they are being watched by their peers and they have to focus to know what to talk about. This tool best fits into the Student Directed theory. It fits here best because this is all for the students, and it teaches them how to be respectful and democratic. They all have a chance to be heard, equally and respectfully.

More Information –
Tool Source: G. Nollmeyer

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