Choose Your Greeting

Student Contributor: B. Phillips
This tool allows students to choose how they want to greet their teacher every morning. They can point to pictures to choose a handshake, a high-five, a hug, or a dance move.

Choose Your Greeting is a great way for students to greet their teacher in a positive way that they are comfortable with! All student will be comfortable with different things- some students need a lot of hugs some students don’t want to be touched at all. This tool allows students of all comfort levels to start the day on a positive note! I have never used this tool exactly, but in our management course on the last day, Gus invited us to choose between a handshake or a hug on the way out the door. Personally, I appreciated that as I am not a hugger, and physical contact usually makes me uncomfortable. A handshake was perfect for me, though! That showed that this tool can be modified to fit any age group.

I put this tool in the preventative phase because it is building a personal connection between students and teachers. Being allowed to choose what you are comfortable with builds trust, which is invaluable in managing a classroom. If students trust their teacher, that teacher is in a much better position to guide them in the right direction and make good choices. This tool is collaborative because it facilitates teachers and students working together to build trust and a positive relationship. It is also student centered because it is about making the student comfortable and helping them enter the classroom in a positive, productive way.

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Tool Source: A video uploaded to

A teacher like her makes a huge difference
by u/WeedScaper in MadeMeSmile

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