Don’t forget, Eags: Tuesday, November 5 is Election Day!
ASEWU will be co-hosting the Student Voting Hub in the PUB NCR from 7AM until 8PM on Election Day, 11/5/24. You’ll be able to drop off your completed ballot or print a replacement ballot if you lost yours or never received it. You can also register to vote (WA residents only) if you aren’t already registered or update your address if you’re still registered at a previous address. If you have questions about voting or registration, the Spokane County Auditor’s Office will be on hand to answer those questions and help with other elections-related issues. They will also have a secure dropbox for completed ballots, so you can be sure your vote will count and be counted.
Check in for the event on EagleSync and get a Swoop “I Voted” badge: https://cglink.me/2s1/r386517