Writers’ Center Responders hail from a wide range of professional backgrounds and have advanced degrees from various academic disciplines. All have significant experience in writing and are available to respond to any type of writing at any stage of the process.

MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction), EWU; BA in English Literature, Whitman College
- Courses taught: Fiction, Poetry, Essays,
- Publications: “Any Green Thing” – story in Blue Moon; “Around the Campfire” &
- “Limn” – poems in Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Magazine
- MFA graduate 2022, Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

M.A. in Rhetoric and Technical Communication with a Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing
- Courses Taught: English 113/114, English 101, English 201, English 205
- Focus: Professional and technical writing
- First-generation graduate from Eastern Washington University 2010 & Writers’ Center Responder at Eastern Washington University
- College Assistance Migrant Program (2005) and TRIO Ronald E. McNair Scholar Program (2009) at Eastern Washington University

Darcy Bradley, PhD
Ph.D. in Teacher Education with a focus on Literacy Learning; MEd in Adult and Community Education; BFA
- Courses Taught: English 113/114, English Language Institute literacy courses for international students, and master and undergraduate level literacy education courses
- Chair for over 50 education master’s level projects and theses
- Professional publications in Children and Libraries, Education Libraries, Intervention in School and Clinic, and Young Children.
- EWU Writers’ Center Responder for students, staff, and faculty since 2017 (favorite work experience in my career so far!)
- Focus: being approachable, friendly, respectful, caring, and committed to helping everyone grow as a writer, no matter the age, stage, or skill level
Current Favorite Quote: To become a stronger writer, there’s nothing like applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair (adapted from Mary Heaton Vorse, 1911).

M.A. in English Literature and Writing, B.A. in English Literature and Writing,
Minor in Technical Communication
- Courses Taught: English 101, 113/114, and 201
- Composition Instructor and Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction)
- Fiction editor, Willow Springs magazine 2022-2023
- Academic coach and writing e-Tutor at EWU PLUS (Program Leading to University Success) 2021-2022

MA in English Literature
- Courses Taught: English 101, 113, 114, 201
- Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

Ph.D. in History
- Courses taught: US History
- Fiction author of novels for children and adults (Roll Up the Streets!, Lost in Ghostville, Winterbay Abbey)
- Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

MA – Teaching English as a Second Language, TESOL certification in online teaching
- Courses taught: Research Writing, Writing for Multilingual Students, English Grammar
- Focus: Writing and grammar skills for multilingual students, language learning
- Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

MFA in Creative Writing
- Courses Taught: English composition, creative writing
- Poetry writer with poems published in Rock & Sling, Lilac City Fairytales, Hummingbird, Bluestem, Literary Mama, and others
- EWU graduate (creative writing MFA) and Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

Ph.D. in Education: Curriculum and Instruction; MA in History, BA in Political Science
- Courses taught: ENGL 101, ENGL 113, ENGL 114 at Eastern Washington University.
- Courses taught: HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 113, HIS 211, HIS 240 at Park University.
- Eastern Washington University Alum
- Writers’ Center Responder since 2013

M.A. in English Literature with an Emphasis on Writing
- Courses taught: English 101, 113, 114, 201
- Author of “From Flipping Burgers to Flipping Fatherhood: Bob Belcher”
- Editor of a collection critiquing animated father figures, to be published March 2023
- Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

ORAN BORDWELL (They/Them & He/Him):
MFA in Poetry/Creative Writing (Eastern Washington University, Expected 2023), BA in Creative Writing
- Courses: Foundational Texts in Poetry / Prose, Creative Writing Workshops/World Literature/Poetry
- Writers’ Center Responder, ENGL 114 Student Coordinator,
MFA Candidate in Poetry, Eastern Washington University

M.A. in English literature, BA in English literature with minors in creative writing and journalism
- Courses Taught: English 101, English 201, Intro to Literature
- I teach at Spokane Community College and like to write fiction in my spare time.
- Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University

Taylor Kensel (She/Her):
MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry), BA in English with a writing emphasis
- Courses Taught: English 101, English 201, English 196, FYE: Intro to American Culture, Creative Writing, English 113 & 114
- I teach as a quarterly faculty at EWU in the Composition Department and write poetry in my spare time.
- Writers’ Center Responder, Eastern Washington University