Working Group Members

  • Brooke Nicholson – CAMP Retention Specialist  
  • Carlos Castillo-Garsow –  Faculty Organization Vice President
  • Chris Valeo – Professor of English and Director of Faculty Commons
  • Cori Jeager –  McNair Program Academic Advisor
  • Elizabeth Humberstad – ASEWU Academic Affairs
  • Erin Ross – EWU director of Tribal Relation
  • Gina Gendusa – Director of Eagle Care Network
  • Heather Veeder – Associate Vice President, Student Success, Policy & Planning
  • Josh Ashcroft – Associate Vice President of Campus Life (Co-Lead)
  • Jake Morrison – Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Jared Jackson –  Master’s of Social Work Student
  • Jon Anderson – Provost
  • Kevin Decker – Professor of Philosophy
  • Krisztian Magori – Associate Professor of Biology 
  • Kim Davis – Senior Director for Diversity and Inclusion
  • Laura Gant – Associate Director of Wellness Services
  • Lea Jarnigan – Vice President for Student Affairs
  • Lorie Speer – Associate Professor of Dental Hygiene 
  • Pui-Yan Lam – Faculty Organization President  (Co-Lead)
  • Scott Eubanks – Director of Graduate Studies
  • Sonora Hernandez – Associate Director of Housing and Residential Life