EWU Policy 402-05: Title IX Investigations & Hearings

PDF Version Standards of Conduct EWU Policy 402-05 Authority: EWU Board of Trustees Effective: May 20, 2022 Proponent: Vice President for Business & Finance Purpose: This policy describes the university’s grievance procedures for responding to Title IX complaints against EWU employees. History: This policy updates and supersedes a former version of the policy dated December 10, … Read more

EWU 203-06: Contact Information, Electronic Mail & Texting

• Revises and supersedes EWU policy 502-01
• Expands the current policy pertaining to students’ use of university email addresses to employees
• Requires employees to provide current contact information
• Requires employees to use their university email for any university business
• Places restrictions on which departments are permitted to send text messages to students and under what circumstances mass texting is allowed

EWU 402-06: Pregnancy and Parental Leave

PDF Version Personnel and Students EWU Policy 402-06 Authority: Board of Trustees Effective: December 10, 2021 Proponent: Vice President for Student Affairs & Vice President for Business & Finance Purpose: This policy is intended to inform students and employees of resources and protections available for pregnant and parenting individuals. History: This policy was  initially approved … Read more

Chapter 172-122 WAC – General Conduct Code

Link to Official Version at Washington State Legislature WAC Sections 172-122-110 Bomb threats. 172-122-120 Weapons. 172-122-200 Notice of trespass. 172-122-210 Restriction of access. 172-122-310 Use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, and related products. 172-122-110 Bomb threats. Any university employee or student who receives a bomb threat must immediately notify the university police. University employees and students … Read more

Chapter 172-118 WAC – Recreational Equipment

Link to Official Version at Washington State Legislature 172-118-010 Purpose. These rules govern the use of recreational equipment on Eastern Washington University’s campus. The purpose of this chapter is to protect campus property from physical dam-age and unnecessary wear and to facilitate safety and access. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 13-24-120, § 172-118-010, filed 12/4/13, … Read more

Chapter 172-110 WAC – Drones and Model Aircraft

Link to Official Version at Washington State Legislature WAC Sections 172-110-010 Scope. 172-110-020 University approval required. 172-110-030 Definitions. 172-110-040 University use of drones. 172-110-050 Nonuniversity use of drones. 172-110-060 Use of model aircraft. 172-110-070 Prohibited locations for use of drones and model aircraft. 172-110-080 Director of public safety. 172-110-090 Violations. 172-110-010 Scope. These rules govern … Read more