Drop-In Office Hours

OGRD will be hosting bi-weekly virtual, drop-in office hours starting February 2024. On the first Tuesday of the month, the office hour will focus on topics related to pre-award. On the third Tuesday of the month, the office hour will focus on post-award topics. Anyone is welcome to drop-in and attend. We, as an office, want to be a resource to best serve the EWU community. We hope to see you there!

Pre-Award Office Hour is hosted from 12 - 1 pm first Tuesday of month

Location: https://ewu.zoom.us/j/81673814670?pwd=NkY2ckE5MHp6RG1OclBET3E5YjRrUT09

Post-Award Office Hour is hosted from 12 - 1 pm third Tuesday of month

Location: https://ewu.zoom.us/j/82866960685?pwd=aXhQcG4rNGRGZUhKdEVCQS9YZVJUUT09