OGRD Workshops

August 2024 

Title: Grant Basics for Staff Seeking Funding and Support for Innovations

Date and time: August 15 at 3-3:50 p.m.

Location: PUB 317/319 and Zoom (https://ewu.zoom.us/j/85165837876?pwd=T0dwazQ0Q2RaMEUrTWVQVTJyUFVBUT09)

About: Are you an EWU staff member (non-student) who is interested in applying for grants? Have you applied for a grant but would still like to understand the process? Join the Office of Grant and Proposal Development (OGRD) to learn about the entire “cradle-to-grave” grant experience to help you manage expectations and understand the commitments required to not only submit a proposal, but also manage it upon award. Thanks to the Provost’s Office, ice cream sandwiches will be provided at this event.

Teachers: Dr. Anna Frost, Senior Grant Writer & Proposal Developer; Mason Hayes, Interim Associate Director; OGRD Staff

Pre-registration link:  (https://forms.gle/c9ysaaPQG4M4RKxL7)

September 2024

Title: Are You My Funding Opportunity? An Introduction to Grants and Research

Date and time: TBD (Week of September 29 – October 4)

Location: Faculty Commons and Zoom (https://ewu.zoom.us/j/946-8336002)

About: Join the Office of Grant and Proposal Development (OGRD) in its first workshop of the 2024-25 academic year to learn about the entire “cradle-to-grave” grant experience to help determine the best fit between yourself and funding opportunities, as well as award management. We will discuss proposal development, as well as reporting expectations upon award. This is an excellent for early career faculty, graduate students, and staff who assist in the fiscal management of grants.

Teachers: Dr. Anna Frost, Senior Grant Writer & Proposal Developer; Mason Hayes, Interim Associate Director; OGRD Staff

October 2024

Title:  IACUC

Date and time: TBD

Location: Faculty Commons and Zoom (https://ewu.zoom.us/j/946-8336002)

About: TBD

Teachers: IACUC committee

November 2024

Title: Rejection and resiliency

Date and time: TBD

Location: Faculty Commons and Zoom (https://ewu.zoom.us/j/946-8336002)

About: TBD

Teacher: Dr. Jason Ashley

December 2024

Title: Something about AI

Date and time: TBD

Location: Faculty Commons and Zoom (https://ewu.zoom.us/j/946-8336002)

About: TBD

Teacher: Jessica Doner

January 2025

Title: Procurement

Date and time: TBD

Location: Faculty Commons and Zoom (https://ewu.zoom.us/j/946-8336002)

About: TBD

Teacher: Annika Scharosch

February 2025

Title: Crafting a Complete Logic Model in the Proposal Narrative

Date and time: February 4 at 12-12:50 p.m.

Location: Faculty Commons and Zoom (https://ewu.zoom.us/j/946-8336002)

About: Logic Model in a narrative.

Teacher: Dr. Anna Frost