Award Management

Award Modifications

As a grant project progresses, there may be instances where there will be changes to the project. Some minor examples of program changes include budget transfers between line items, additional purchases or changes in travel. Many items are minor and easily accomplished. However certain changes to a project may require prior approval by the funding agency.

If you have any questions or concerns about changes to your project, please contact the OGRD as soon as possible. Staff can provide information about whether an anticipated change is considered minor or major and what steps will need to be taken. All prior approval requests are handled by the OGRD.

Prior Approval:

Most common changes include:

Changes in PI or PI’s Level of Effort

A PD/PI who plans either a short-term or long-term absence from the project or who anticipates devoting substantially more or less effort to the work than what was outlined in the proposal.

Changes in objectives or scope:

Actions that are likely to be considered a change in scope include a change in the specific aims approved at the time of award.

No Cost Extension

A no cost extension extends the project period beyond the original project end date and involves no additional funding. If it is anticipated that the work will not be completed by the end date of the project period, an extension may be allowable if the following conditions are met:

  • There is a programmatic need to continue the research, AND
  • There are sufficient funds remaining to cover the extended effort

Participant Support Costs

Participant support costs are a protected class of costs that cannot be budgeted without prior approval. Costs include those paid to (or on behalf of) participants or trainees (not employees) for participation in meetings, conferences, symposia and workshops or other training activities when there is a category for participant support costs in the award. Registration fees, travel allowances, manuals, supplies, tuition and stipends may be regarded as participant support costs in this case.

Institutional Change or Transfer

Awards can be transferred from one institution to another if the PD/PI is leaving one institution for another position. This is a lengthy process that involves negotiations between both institutions as well as the PD/PI.