R.A.P Chant

Student Contributor: E. Webber
This is a tool where students recite a saying each morning at school during the announcements. This is a helpful tool because the few sentences that the students go over are the expectations of the students in the school.

This is a tool that is used for students to understand and recite the expectations that the teachers and the school have for the students while they are learning. This is similar to having a contract of what students will follow throughout the school year; however it is just a chant that is spoken in the mornings. The personal experience that I have with this tool is that it is done in my placement everyday and I join in with the students to set a good example for them. It is a very positive chant that reminds students to be respectful, achieve their goals and be a problem solver.

The R.A.P chant tool only fits into one phase and that is preventative because the school is setting an expectation that they want the students to follow every day they come to school. By students repeating this chant it is hopefully preventing students from being rude to staff or other students or also giving up without trying. The theory of influence that it fits best in is collaborative and teacher directed because the teacher leads the students in the chant each morning during announcements, but it is also collaborative because teachers also have the ability to have a student lead their peers in the chant.

More Information –
Tool Source: Wellpinit

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