Please Note: You must have a internal mail code on a piece of mail for it to be delivered.
Dept. | Room # | Internal mail Codes | Bldg. Location | Address | City | St. | Zip |
Academic Affairs | 220 | 220 SHW | Showalter Hall | 220 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Academic Assessment | 220 | 220 SHW | Showalter Hall | 220 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Academic Personnel | 314 | 314 SHW | Showalter Hall | 314 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Academic Senate | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Academic Success Center | 111 | 111 MON | 532 Study Ln | 111 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Accounting Info Systems | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Accounting Svcs/Controller | 319 | 319 SHW | Showalter Hall | 319 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Accounts Payable | 319 | 319 SHW | Showalter Hall | 319 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Addiction Studies | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Admissions | 304 | 304 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 304 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Advising | 305 | 305 MON | 532 Study LN | 305 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Africana Education Prog. | 204 | 204 MON | 532 Study Ln | 204 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Alumni | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
American Indian Studies | 706 | 2 AIEC | 706 5th St | 706 5th St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Annual Giving | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Anthropology | 133 | 133 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 133 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Arch & Engineering Serv | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Arch. & Historical Services | 201 | 201 ISL | 616 Quad Ln | 201 Isle Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Archives | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Area Health ED Ctr (AHEC) | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Art | 140 | 140 ART | 22 7th St | 140 Art Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
ASEWU | 207 | 207 PUB | 926 Elm St | 207 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
ASB | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
ASEWU Outdoor Prog. | 150 | 150 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 150 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Athletic Marketing | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Athletic Training | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Athletic Training | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
AUAP | 345 | 345 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 345Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Auto Shop | 105 | 105 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 105 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Basketball | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Benefits | 318 | 318 SHW | Showalter Hall | 318 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Biology | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Biotechnology | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Black Student Union | 204 | 204 MON | 532 Study Ln | 204 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Body Shop | 211 | 211 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 211 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Boiler Operations | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Bookstore | 116 | 116 PUB | 926 Elm St | 116 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Botany | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Budget | 307 | 307 SHW | Showalter Hall | 307 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Bursars Office (formally Student Financial Services) | 202 | 202 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 202 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Business | 303 | 303 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 303 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Business & Finance | 307 | 307 SHW | Showalter Hall | 307 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Business Services | 120 | 120 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 120 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) | 305 | 305 MON | 532 Study Ln | 305 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Career Services | 332 | 332 PUB | 926 Elm St | 332 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Career Services | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Carpenter Shop | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Center for Academic Advising & Retention | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Center for Entrepreneurship | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Central Stores | 104 | 104 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 104 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Certification | 312 | 312 WLM | 323 Media Ln | 312 Williamson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Chemistry | 226 | 226 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 226 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Chicano Education | 203 | 203 MON | 532 Study Ln | 203 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Child/Family Outreach | 150 | 150 CAL | 101 W Cataldo Ave | 101 W Cataldo Ave STE 150 | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Children's Studies | 141 | 141 SNR | 612 C St | 141 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Circulation | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Client Services | 102 | 102 HUS | 410 Eagle Ln | 102 Huston Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Clubs & Organization | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
College Instruction | 312 | 312 WLM | 323 Media Ln | 312 Williamson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
College Letters Arts & Science | 343 | 343 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 343 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
College of Ed. and Human Dev. | 343 | 343 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 343 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
College of Health Science & Public Health (CHSPH) | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
College of Professional Programs | 121 | 121 SNR | 612 C St | 121 Senior | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
College of Sci. Health & Eng. | 319 | 319 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 319 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) | 319 | 319 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 319 CEB | CHeney | WA | 99004 |
Communication Sciences & Disorders | 100 | 100 SIE | 850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100 | 850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Communication Sciences & Disorders | 106 | 106 LAH | 106 Louise Anderson Hall | 106 Louise Anderson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Communication Studies | 108 | 108 COM | 110 Media Ln | 108 Communications Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Community Engagement | 115 | 115 SHW | Showalter Hall | 115 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Computer Science | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300 | Spoake | WA | 99202 |
Construction and Planning | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Continuing Education | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Contract Admin | 211 | 211 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 211 Tawanka | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Controller | 319 | 319 SHW | Showalter Hall | 319 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Counseling/Ed/Develop | 135 | 135 MAR | 312 Eagle Ln | 135 Martin Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Counseling/Psych Serv. (CAPS) | 225 | 225 MAR | 312 Eagle Ln | 225 Martin Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Counseling/Psych Serv. (CAPS) | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Creative Writing | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Criminal Justice | 329 | 329 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 329 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
CSBS & SSW | 121 | 121 SNR | 612 C St | 121 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Curriculum Media Center | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Custodial | 105 | 105 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 105 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Dean of Students | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Dental Hygiene | 310 | 160 HSB | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box E | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Design | 101 | 101 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 101 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Development Office | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Dining Services | 120 | 120 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 120 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Dining Services URC | 202 | 202 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 202 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Distance & Extended Learning | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Division of ED Outreach | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | Anderson Hall | Anderson Hall | 905 Elm St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | Brewster Hall | Brewster Hall | 404 2nd St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | Dressler Hall | Dressler Hall | 1128 Elm St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | Dryden Hall | Dryden Hall | 106 N 9th St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | Morrison Hall | Morrison Hall | 218 N 10th St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | Pearce Hall | Pearce Hall | 1112 Elm St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | snyamncut Hall | snyamncut Hall | 1027 Cedar St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
DORM | Rm # | Streeter Hall | Streeter Hall | 202 N 10th St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Eagle Card | 120 | 120 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 120 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Early Head Start | 150 | 150 CAL | 101 W Cataldo Ave | 101 W Cataldo Ave Suite 150 | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Earth Science | 124 | 124 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 124 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Easterner | 207 | 207 PUB | 926 Elm St | 207 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Economics | 311 | 311 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 311 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Education | 312 | 312 WLM | 323 Media Ln | 312 Williamson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
EHS | 002 | 002 MAR | 312 Eagle Ln | 002 Martin Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Electric Shop | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Electronic Media & Film | 104 | 104 RTV | Radio TV Building | 104 Radio TV Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Energy Management | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
English | 203 | 203 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 203 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
English as a Second Lang | 203 | 203 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 203 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
English Language Inst | 345 | 345 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 345 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Enrollment Services | 301 | 301 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 301 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Enterprise Systems | 102 | 102 HUS | 410 Eagle Ln | 102 Huston Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Environmental Science | 124 | 124 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 124 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Epic Adventures | 150 | 150 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 150 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Equal Opp. & Affirmative Action | 114 | 114 SHW | Showalter Hall | 114 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Event Planning | 120 | 120 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 120 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
EWU Children's Center | 923 | 923 WAS | 923 Washington St | 923 Washington St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
EWU Press | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Exercise Science | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Fabrication Shop | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Facilities Info. Technology | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Facilities Planning | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Facilities Services | 105 | 105 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 105 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Faculty Commons | 506 | 1 FAC | 506 F. St | 506 F St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Faculty Organization | 138 | 138 COM | 110 Media Ln | 138 Communications Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Farm Health & Safety | 329 | 329 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 329 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Finance & Marketing | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Financial Aid | 102 | 102 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 102 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Fisheries Management | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Fitness Center | 211 | 211 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 211 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Football | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Foundation/Hargreaves | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Get Lit! | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
General Accounting | 319 | 319 SHW | Showalter Hall | 319 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Genetics | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Geography | 124 | 124 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 124 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Geology | 124 | 124 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 124 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Geology Club | 124 | 124 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 124 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Gift Processing | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Global Initiatives | 345 | 345 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 345 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Government | 233 | 233 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 233 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Governmental Relations | 214 | 214 SHW | Showalter Hall | 214 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Graduate Studies | 206 | 206 SHW | Showalter Hall | 206 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Graduation | 201 | 201 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 201 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Grants | 210 | 210 SHW | Showalter Hall | 210 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Greenhouse | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Grounds | 105 | 105 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg H | 105 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Health Fitness | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Health Services Admin. | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Health Wellness & Prevention. | 201 | 201 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 201 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
History | 103 | 103 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 103 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Home Program | 207 | 207 MON | 532 Study Ln | 207 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Honors | 217 | 217 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 217 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Housing | 104 | 104 SNY | 1027 Cedar St | 104 snyamncut Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Human Resources | 314 | 314 SHW | Showalter Hall | 314 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Humanities | 203 | 203 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 203 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
HVAC | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Information Systems & Business Analytics | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Information Technology | 110 | 110 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 110 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Information Technology | 102 | 102 HUS | 410 Eagle Ln | 102 Huston Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Institute for Public & Economic Analysis | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Institutional Research | 220 | 220 SHW | Showalter Hall | 220 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Insulation Maint. AAIM | 101 | 101 IAS | Insulation Area Storage | 101 Insulation Area Storage | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Interdisciplinary Studies | 121 | 121 SNR | 612 C St | 121 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Interlibrary Loan | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Internal Auditor | 214 | 214 SHW | Showalter Hall | 214 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
International Affairs | 233 | 233 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 233 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
International Field Study | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
International Student | 345 | 345 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 345 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Internship | 332 | 332 PUB | 926 Elm St | 332 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Intramurals | 336 | 336 PAV | 1375 Swoop Ln | 336 Pavilion | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Inventory | 319 | 319 SHW | Showalter Hall | 319 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Journalism | 203 | 203 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 203 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
KEWU | 104 | 104 RTV | 1029 Washington St | 104 Radio TV Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Key Shop | 122 | 122 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 122 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Language Lab | 133 | 133 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 133 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Li'l Eagles Nest Preschool | 135 | 135 MAR | 312 Eagle Ln | 135 Martin Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Library | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Library Science | 312 | 312 WLM | 323 Media Ln | 312 Williamson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Mail Services | 125 | 125 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 125 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Management | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
MarCom | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Masters of Public Health | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Masters of Science PE | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Masters SSW | 121 | 121 SNR | 612 C St | 121 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Mathematics | 316 | 316 KGS | 510 C St | 316 Kingston Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
MBA Program, 325 | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
MPA Program | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
McNair Center | 107 | 107 MON | 532 Study Ln | 107 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
MECHA | 203 | 203 MON | 532 Study Ln | 203Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Mechanical Engineering & Technology | 346 | 346 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 346 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Mentor MT Program | 203 | 203 MON | 532 Study Ln | 203 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Military Science | 202 | 202 CAD | 1035 Washington St | 202 Cadet Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Mine & Safety | 326 | 326 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 326 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Modern Language | 133 | 133 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 133 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Motor Pool | 105 | 105 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 105 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
MPA Program | 100 | 100 Cat | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
MSW Hybrid Program | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Multicultural Center | 329 | 329 PUB | 926 Elm St | 329 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Music | 119 | 119 MUS | 20 7th St | 119 Music Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
N. W. Alaska Tribal | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave Suite 300 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
N.W. Power Planning | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Natural Science | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Nursing | 100 | 100 SIE | 850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100 | 850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Occupational Therapy | 310 | 225 HSB | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box R | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Office for Diversity & Inclusion | 114 | 114 SHW | Showalter Hall | 114 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Online Learning | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Outdoor Program | 150 | 150 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 150 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Outdoor Recreation | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Outreach and Engagement | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Pacific Northwest Forum | 203 | 203 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 203 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Paint Shop | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Parking | 120 | 120 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 120 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Payroll | 319 | 319 SHW | Showalter Hall | 319 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
PEHR | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Philosophy | 229 | 229 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 229 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Physical Education | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Physical Therapy | 310 | 270 HSB | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box T | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Physics | 226 | 226 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 226 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Placement | 332 | 332 PUB | 926 Elm St | 332 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Planetarium | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Planning | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Plant Store | 104 | 104 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 104 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Plumbing | 101 | 101 ROZ | 1115 Cedar St | 101 Rozell St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
PLUS | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Police | 101 | 101 RDB | 609 W 7th St | 101 Red Barn | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Pool | 336 | 336 PAV | 1375 Swoop Ln | 336 Pavilion | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
President | 214 | 214 SHW | Showalter Hall | 214 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Pride Program | 336 | 336 PUB | 926 Elm St | 336 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Principle Internship | 312 | 312 WLM | 323 Media Ln | 312 Williamson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Printing Services | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Project Pal's | 135 | 135 MAR | 312 Eagle Ln | 135 Martin Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Psychology | 135 | 135 MAR | 312 Eagle Ln | 135 Martin Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
PUB Accountant | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
PUB Administration | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
PUB Computer Lab | 102 | 102 HUS | 410 Eagle Ln | 102 Huston Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
PUB Dining Services | 147 | 147 PUB | 926 Elm St | 147 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Public Administration | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Public Information | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Publications | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Purchasing | 218 | 218 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 218 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
RAICES | 203 | 203 MON | 532 Study Ln | 203 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Recreation Management | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Reference Desk | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Regional Init. in Dental ED (RIDE) | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Registrar | 201 | 201 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 201 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Residency | 201 | 201 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 201 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Residential Life | 104 | 104 SNY | 1027 Cedar St | 104 snyamncut Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Retirees | 301 | 301 SHW | Showalter Hall | 301 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Ride Program | 280 | 280 HSB | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd | 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box D | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Risk Management | 314 | 314 SHW | Showalter Hall | 314 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
ROTC | 202 | 202 CAD | 1035 Washington St | 202 Cadet Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Running Start Program | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
School of Business & School of Professional Accounting | 100 | 100 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
School Psychology | 135 | 135 MAR | 312 Eagle Ln | 135 Martin Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Scope | 101 | 101 RDB | 609 W 7th St | 101 Red Barn | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Shipping & Receiving | 104 | 104 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 104 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Social Studies | 203 | 203 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 203 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Social Work | 102 | 102 SNR | 612 C St | 102 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Social Work | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Sociology | 329 | 329 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 329 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Sports & Rec | 336 | 336 PAV | 1375 Swoop Ln | 336 Pavilion | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Sports Information | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Strength Conditioning | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Student Accommodations & Support Services | 019 | 019 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 19 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Student Accommodations & Support Services | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Student Activities | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Student Affairs | 307 | 307 PUB | 926 Elm St | 307 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Student Employment | 300 | 300 SHW | Showalter Hall | 300 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Student Life | 301 | 301 PUB | 926 Elm St | 301 Pence Union Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Student Success, Policy & Planning | 207 | 207 SHW | Showalter Hall | 207 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Student Teaching | 312 | 312 WLM | 323 Media Ln | 312 Williamson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Studies Abroad | 345 | 345 PAT | 530 Quad Ln | 345 Patterson Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Summer Session | 300 | 300 SNR | 612 C St | 300 Senior Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Surplus Property | 101 | 101 SSB | G St | Cheney | WA | 99004 | |
SURTCOM | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Teaching & Learning Center | 115 | 115 SHW | Showalter Hall | 115 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Telephone Services | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
The Rain Program | 111 | 111 MON | 532 Study Ln | 111 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Theatre | 210 | 210 THE | 1003 Washington St | 210 Theatre | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Therapeutic Recreation | 200 | 200 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 200 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
TOY Program | 120 | 120 TAW | 501 Quad Ln | 120 Tawanka Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Track/Cross Country | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Training Room | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Transcripts | 201 | 201 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 201 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Transportation | 105 | 105 CES | 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E | 105 Central Services BLDG | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Travel | 319 | 319 SHW | Showalter Hall | 319 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Turnbull Lab | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
University Apartments | 104 | 104 SNY | 1027 Cedar St | 104 snyamncut Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
University College | 117 | 117 SHW | Showalter Hall | 117 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
University Gallery | 140 | 140 ART | 22 7th St | 140 Art Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
University Graphics | 303 | 303 MON | 532 Study Ln | 303 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
University Rec Ctr Director | 111 | 111 URC | 1012 Cedar St | 111 University REC CTR | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
University Relations | 102 | 102 HAR | 616 Study Ln | 102 Hargreaves Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Urban & Regional Planning | 300 | 300 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
US Geological Survey | 124 | 124 SCI | 1175 Washington St | 124 Science Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Verifications | 201 | 201 SUT | 333 Eagle Ln | 201 Sutton Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Veterans | 122 | 122 SHW | Showalter Hall | 122 Showalter Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Visitor Center | 310 | 1 VIS | 326 6th St | 610 F St | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Volleyball Center | 207 | 207 PEB | 1275 Swoop Ln | 207 Physical Education Building | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Wildlife Biology | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Willow Springs | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 E Riverside Ave | 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Women's Studies | 207 | 207 MON | 532 Study Ln | 207 Monroe Hall | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Writer's Center | 100 | 100 LIB | 320 Media Ln | 320 Media Ln | Cheney | WA | 99004 |
Writer's Center | 400 | 400 CAT | 601 N Riverside Ave | 601 N Riverside Ave STE 400 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Zoology | 119 | 119 CEB | 1075 Washington St | 119 CEB | Cheney | WA | 99004 |