Mail Codes

Please Note: You must have a internal mail code on a piece of mail for it to be delivered.

Dept.Room #Internal mail CodesBldg. LocationAddressCitySt.Zip
Academic Affairs220220 SHWShowalter Hall220 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Academic Assessment220220 SHWShowalter Hall220 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Academic Personnel314314 SHWShowalter Hall314 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Academic Senate301301 PUB926 Elm St301 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
Academic Success Center111111 MON 532 Study Ln111 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Accounting Info Systems100100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100SpokaneWA99202
Accounting Svcs/Controller319319 SHW Showalter Hall319 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Accounts Payable319319 SHW Showalter Hall319 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Addiction Studies400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Admissions304304 SUT 333 Eagle Ln304 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Advising305305 MON532 Study LN305 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Africana Education Prog.204204 MON 532 Study Ln204 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Alumni102102 HAR 616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
American Indian Studies7062 AIEC 706 5th St706 5th StCheneyWA99004
Annual Giving102102 HAR 616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Anthropology133133 PAT530 Quad Ln133 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Arch & Engineering Serv101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Arch. & Historical Services201201 ISL 616 Quad Ln201 Isle HallCheneyWA99004
Archives100100 LIB 320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
Area Health ED Ctr (AHEC)400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400Spokane WA99202
Art140140 ART 22 7th St140 Art BuildingCheneyWA99004
ASEWU207207 PUB926 Elm St207 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
ASB301301 PUB 926 Elm St301 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
ASEWU Outdoor Prog.150150 URC1012 Cedar St150 University REC CTRCheneyWA99004
Athletic Marketing207207 PEB 1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education BuildingCheneyWA99004
Athletic Training207207 PEB1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education BuildingCheneyWA99004
Athletic Training207207 PEB 1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education BuildingCheneyWA99004
AUAP345345 PAT530 Quad Ln345Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Auto Shop105105 CES 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E105 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Basketball207207 PEB 1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education BuildingCheneyWA99004
Benefits318318 SHW Showalter Hall318 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Biology119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Biotechnology119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Black Student Union204204 MON 532 Study Ln204 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Body Shop211211 URC1012 Cedar St211 University REC CTRCheneyWA99004
Boiler Operations101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Bookstore116116 PUB 926 Elm St116 Pence Union Building
Botany119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Budget307307 SHW Showalter Hall307 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Bursars Office (formally Student Financial Services)202202 SUT333 Eagle Ln202 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Business303303 PAT 530 Quad Ln303 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Business & Finance307307 SHW Showalter Hall307 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Business Services120120 TAW 501 Quad Ln120 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP)305305 MON532 Study Ln305 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Career Services332332 PUB926 Elm St332 Pence Union Building
Career Services300300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300SpokaneWA99202
Carpenter Shop101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Center for Academic Advising & Retention300300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300Spokane WA99202
Center for Entrepreneurship100 100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100Spokane WA99202
Central Stores104104 CES 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E104 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Certification312312 WLM 323 Media Ln312 Williamson HallCheneyWA99004
Chemistry226226 SCI1175 Washington St226 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Chicano Education203203 MON 532 Study Ln203 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Child/Family Outreach150150 CAL101 W Cataldo Ave 101 W Cataldo Ave STE 150SpokaneWA99201
Children's Studies141141 SNR612 C St141 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Circulation100100 LIB 320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
Client Services102102 HUS 410 Eagle Ln102 Huston HallCheneyWA99004
Clubs & Organization301301 PUB 926 Elm St301 Pence Union Building
College Instruction312312 WLM 323 Media Ln312 Williamson HallCheneyWA99004
College Letters Arts & Science343343 PAT 530 Quad Ln343 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
College of Ed. and Human Dev.343343 PAT 530 Quad Ln343 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
College of Health Science & Public Health (CHSPH)400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
College of Professional Programs121121 SNR612 C St121 Senior CheneyWA99004
College of Sci. Health & Eng.319319 CEB1075 Washington St319 CEB
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM)319319 CEB1075 Washington St319 CEBCHeneyWA 99004
Communication Sciences & Disorders100100 SIE850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100SpokaneWA99202
Communication Sciences & Disorders106106 LAH106 Louise Anderson Hall106 Louise Anderson HallCheneyWA99004
Communication Studies108108 COM 110 Media Ln108 Communications Building
Community Engagement115115 SHWShowalter Hall115 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Computer Science300300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave601 E Riverside Ave STE 300SpoakeWA99202
Construction and Planning101101 ROZ1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Continuing Education300300 SNR612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Contract Admin211211 TAW501 Quad Ln211 Tawanka
Controller319319 SHW Showalter Hall319 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Counseling/Ed/Develop135135 MAR 312 Eagle Ln135 Martin HallCheneyWA99004
Counseling/Psych Serv. (CAPS)225225 MAR 312 Eagle Ln225 Martin HallCheneyWA99004
Counseling/Psych Serv. (CAPS)300300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300SpokaneWA99202
Creative Writing400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Criminal Justice329329 PAT 530 Quad Ln329 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
CSBS & SSW121121 SNR612 C St121 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Curriculum Media Center100100 LIB 320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
Custodial105105 CES 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E105 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Dean of Students301301 PUB 926 Elm St301 Pence Union Building
Dental Hygiene310160 HSB 310 N Riverpoint Blvd 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box E SpokaneWA99202
Design101101 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 101Spokane WA99202
Development Office102102 HAR 616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves Hall
Dining Services120120 TAW 501 Quad Ln120 Tawanka Hall
Dining Services URC202202 URC1012 Cedar St202 University REC CTRCheneyWA99004
Distance & Extended Learning300300 SNR 612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Division of ED Outreach300300 SNR612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
DORMRm #Anderson HallAnderson Hall905 Elm StCheney WA99004
DORMRm #Brewster HallBrewster Hall404 2nd StCheneyWA99004
DORMRm #Dressler HallDressler Hall1128 Elm StCheneyWA99004
DORMRm #Dryden HallDryden Hall106 N 9th StCheneyWA99004
DORMRm #Morrison HallMorrison Hall218 N 10th StCheneyWA99004
DORMRm #Pearce HallPearce Hall1112 Elm StCheneyWA99004
DORMRm #snyamncut Hallsnyamncut Hall1027 Cedar StCheneyWA99004
DORMRm #Streeter HallStreeter Hall202 N 10th StCheneyWA99004
Eagle Card120120 TAW 501 Quad Ln120 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
Early Head Start150150 CAL101 W Cataldo Ave 101 W Cataldo Ave Suite 150SpokaneWA99201
Earth Science124124 SCI1175 Washington St124 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Easterner207207 PUB926 Elm St207 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
Economics311311 PAT 530 Quad Ln311 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Education312312 WLM 323 Media Ln312 Williamson HallCheneyWA99004
EHS002002 MAR312 Eagle Ln002 Martin HallCheneyWA99004
Electric Shop101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Electronic Media & Film104104 RTV Radio TV Building104 Radio TV BuildingCheneyWA99004
Energy Management101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
English203203 PAT 530 Quad Ln203 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
English as a Second Lang203203 PAT 530 Quad Ln203 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
English Language Inst345345 PAT 530 Quad Ln345 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Enrollment Services301301 SUT 333 Eagle Ln301 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Enterprise Systems102102 HUS410 Eagle Ln102 Huston HallCheneyWA99004
Environmental Science124124 SCI1175 Washington St124 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Epic Adventures150150 URC1012 Cedar St150 University REC CTRCheneyWA99004
Equal Opp. & Affirmative Action114114 SHWShowalter Hall114 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Event Planning120120 TAW 501 Quad Ln120 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
EWU Children's Center923923 WAS 923 Washington St 923 Washington St CheneyWA99004
EWU Press300300 SNR612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Exercise Science200200 PEB 1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education BuildingCheneyWA99004
Fabrication Shop101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Facilities Info. Technology101101 ROZ1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Facilities Planning101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Facilities Services105105 CES 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E105 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Faculty Commons5061 FAC506 F. St506 F StCheneyWA99004
Faculty Organization138138 COM110 Media Ln138 Communications BuildingCheneyWA99004
Farm Health & Safety329329 PAT 530 Quad Ln329 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Finance & Marketing100100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100Spokane WA99202
Financial Aid102102 SUT 333 Eagle Ln102 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Fisheries Management119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Fitness Center211211 URC1012 Cedar St211 University REC CTR
Football207207 PEB 1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education Building
Foundation/Hargreaves102102 HAR 616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Get Lit!400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
General Accounting319319 SHW Showalter Hall319 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Genetics119 119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Geography124124 SCI1175 Washington St124 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Geology124124 SCI1175 Washington St124 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Geology Club124124 SCI1175 Washington St124 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Gift Processing102102 HAR 616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Global Initiatives345345 PAT530 Quad Ln345 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Government233233 PAT 530 Quad Ln233 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Governmental Relations214214 SHW Showalter Hall214 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Graduate Studies206206 SHW Showalter Hall206 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Graduation201201 SUT 333 Eagle Ln201 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Grants210210 SHW Showalter Hall210 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Greenhouse119 119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Grounds105105 CES 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg H105 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Health Fitness200200 PEB 1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education BuildingCheneyWA99004
Health Services Admin.400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Health Wellness & Prevention.201201 URC1012 Cedar St201 University REC CTR
History103103 PAT 530 Quad Ln103 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Home Program207207 MON 532 Study Ln207 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Honors217217 HAR 616 Study Ln217 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Housing104104 SNY 1027 Cedar St104 snyamncut HallCheneyWA99004
Human Resources314314 SHW Showalter Hall314 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Humanities203203 PAT 530 Quad Ln203 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
HVAC101101 ROZ 1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Information Systems & Business Analytics 100100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave STE 100601 E Riverside Ave STE 100SpokaneWA99202
Information Technology110 110 SUT333 Eagle Ln110 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Information Technology102102  HUS 410 Eagle Ln102 Huston HallCheneyWA99004
Institute for Public & Economic Analysis100 100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100Spokane WA99202
Institutional Research220220 SHW Showalter Hall220 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Insulation Maint. AAIM101101 IAS Insulation Area Storage101 Insulation Area StorageCheneyWA99004
Interdisciplinary Studies121121 SNR612 C St121 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Interlibrary Loan100100 LIB 320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
Internal Auditor214214 SHW Showalter Hall214 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
International Affairs233233 PAT 530 Quad Ln233 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
International Field Study300300 SNR 612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
International Student345345 PAT530 Quad Ln345 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Internship332332 PUB926 Elm St332 Pence Union Building
Intramurals336336 PAV 1375 Swoop Ln336 PavilionCheneyWA99004
Inventory319319 SHW Showalter Hall319 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Journalism203203 PAT530 Quad Ln203 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
KEWU104104 RTV 1029 Washington St104 Radio TV BuildingCheneyWA99004
Key Shop122122 TAW 501 Quad Ln122 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
Language Lab133133 PAT530 Quad Ln133 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Li'l Eagles Nest Preschool135135 MAR 312 Eagle Ln135 Martin HallCheneyWA99004
Library100100 LIB 320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
Library Science312312 WLM 323 Media Ln312 Williamson HallCheneyWA99004
Mail Services125125 TAW 501 Quad Ln125 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
Management100100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100SpokaneWA99202
MarCom102102 HAR616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Masters of Public Health400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Masters of Science PE200200 PEB 1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education Building
Masters SSW121121 SNR612 C St121 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Mathematics316316 KGS 510 C St316 Kingston HallCheneyWA99004
MBA Program, 325100100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 SpokaneWA99202
MPA Program100100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100 SpokaneWA99202
McNair Center107107 MON 532 Study Ln107 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
MECHA203203 MON 532 Study Ln203Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Mechanical Engineering & Technology346346 CEB1075 Washington St346 CEBCheneyWA99004
Mentor MT Program203203 MON 532 Study Ln203 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Military Science202202 CAD 1035 Washington St202 Cadet HallCheneyWA99004
Mine & Safety 326326 CEB1075 Washington St326 CEBCheneyWA99004
Modern Language133133 PAT 530 Quad Ln133 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Motor Pool105105 CES 1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E105 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
MPA Program100100 Cat601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100
MSW Hybrid Program400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Multicultural Center329329 PUB926 Elm St329 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
Music119119 MUS20 7th St119 Music BuildingCheneyWA99004
N. W. Alaska Tribal300300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave Suite 300SpokaneWA99202
N.W. Power Planning400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave STE 400601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Natural Science119 119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Nursing100100 SIE850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100850 E Spokane Falls Boulevard STE 100SpokaneWA99202
Occupational Therapy310225 HSB310 N Riverpoint Blvd 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box RSpokaneWA99202
Office for Diversity & Inclusion114114 SHWShowalter Hall114 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Online Learning300300 SNR612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Outdoor Program150150 URC1012 Cedar St150 University REC CTR
Outdoor Recreation200200 PEB1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education Building
Outreach and Engagement300300 SNR612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Pacific Northwest Forum203203 PAT530 Quad Ln203 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Paint Shop101101 ROZ1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
Parking120120 TAW501 Quad Ln120 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
Payroll319319 SHWShowalter Hall319 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
PEHR200200 PEB1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education Building
Philosophy229229 PAT530 Quad Ln229 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Physical Education200200 PEB1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education Building
Physical Therapy310270 HSB310 N Riverpoint Blvd 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box TSpokaneWA99202
Physics226226 SCI1175 Washington St226 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Placement332332 PUB926 Elm St332 Pence Union Building
Planetarium119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Planning400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Plant Store104104 CES1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E104 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Plumbing101101 ROZ1115 Cedar St101 Rozell StCheneyWA99004
PLUS400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400Spokane WA99202
Police101101 RDB609 W 7th St101 Red BarnCheneyWA99004
Pool336336 PAV1375 Swoop Ln336 PavilionCheneyWA99004
President214214 SHWShowalter Hall214 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Pride Program336336 PUB926 Elm St336 Pence Union Building
Principle Internship312312 WLM323 Media Ln312 Williamson HallCheneyWA99004
Printing Services102102 HAR616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Project Pal's135135 MAR312 Eagle Ln135 Martin HallCheneyWA99004
Psychology135135 MAR312 Eagle Ln135 Martin HallCheneyWA99004
PUB Accountant301301 PUB926 Elm St301 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
PUB Administration301301 PUB926 Elm St301 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
PUB Computer Lab102102 HUS410 Eagle Ln102 Huston HallCheneyWA99004
PUB Dining Services147147 PUB926 Elm St147 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
Public Administration400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400Spokane WA99202
Public Information102102 HAR616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Publications102102 HAR616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Purchasing218218 TAW501 Quad Ln218 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
RAICES203203 MON532 Study Ln203 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Recreation Management200200 PEB1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education Building
Reference Desk100100 LIB320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
Regional Init. in Dental ED (RIDE)400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave STE 400601 E Riverside Ave STE 400Spokane WA99202
Registrar201201 SUT333 Eagle Ln201 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Residency201201 SUT333 Eagle Ln201 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Residential Life104104 SNY1027 Cedar St104 snyamncut HallCheneyWA99004
Retirees301301 SHWShowalter Hall301 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Ride Program280280 HSB310 N Riverpoint Blvd 310 N Riverpoint Blvd Box DSpokaneWA99202
Risk Management314314 SHWShowalter Hall314 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
ROTC202202 CAD1035 Washington St202 Cadet HallCheneyWA99004
Running Start Program300300 SNR612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
School of Business & School of Professional Accounting100100 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 100SpokaneWA99202
School Psychology135135 MAR312 Eagle Ln135 Martin HallCheneyWA99004
Scope101101 RDB609 W 7th St101 Red BarnCheneyWA99004
Shipping & Receiving104104 CES1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E104 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Social Studies203203 PAT530 Quad Ln203 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Social Work102102 SNR612 C St102 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Social Work400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Sociology329329 PAT530 Quad Ln329 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Sports & Rec336336 PAV1375 Swoop Ln336 PavilionCheneyWA99004
Sports Information207207 PEB1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education Building
Strength Conditioning200200 PEB1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education Building
Student Accommodations & Support Services019019 HAR616 Study Ln19 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Student Accommodations & Support Services300300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave601 E Riverside Ave STE 300SpokaneWA99202
Student Activities301301 PUB926 Elm St301 Pence Union Building
Student Affairs307 307 PUB926 Elm St307 Pence Union BuildingCheneyWA99004
Student Employment300300 SHWShowalter Hall300 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Student Life301301 PUB926 Elm St301 Pence Union Building
Student Success, Policy & Planning207207 SHWShowalter Hall207 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Student Teaching312312 WLM323 Media Ln312 Williamson HallCheneyWA99004
Studies Abroad345345 PAT530 Quad Ln345 Patterson HallCheneyWA99004
Summer Session300300 SNR612 C St300 Senior HallCheneyWA99004
Surplus Property101101 SSBG StCheneyWA99004
SURTCOM300 300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 300SpokaneWA99202
Teaching & Learning Center115115 SHWShowalter Hall115 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Telephone Services100100 LIB320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
The Rain Program111111 MON532 Study Ln111 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Theatre210210 THE1003 Washington St210 TheatreCheneyWA99004
Therapeutic Recreation200200 PEB1275 Swoop Ln200 Physical Education Building
TOY Program120120 TAW501 Quad Ln120 Tawanka HallCheneyWA99004
Track/Cross Country207207 PEB1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education Building
Training Room207207 PEB1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education Building
Transcripts201201 SUT333 Eagle Ln201 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Transportation105105 CES1320 Woodward Ln, Bldg E105 Central Services BLDGCheneyWA99004
Travel319319 SHWShowalter Hall319 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Turnbull Lab119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
University Apartments104104 SNY1027 Cedar St104 snyamncut HallCheneyWA99004
University College117117 SHWShowalter Hall117 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
University Gallery140140 ART22 7th St140 Art BuildingCheneyWA99004
University Graphics303303 MON532 Study Ln303 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
University Rec Ctr Director111111 URC1012 Cedar St111 University REC CTR
University Relations102102 HAR616 Study Ln102 Hargreaves HallCheneyWA99004
Urban & Regional Planning300300 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
US Geological Survey124124 SCI1175 Washington St124 Science BuildingCheneyWA99004
Verifications201201 SUT333 Eagle Ln201 Sutton HallCheneyWA99004
Veterans122122 SHWShowalter Hall122 Showalter HallCheneyWA99004
Visitor Center3101 VIS326 6th St610 F StCheneyWA99004
Volleyball Center207207 PEB1275 Swoop Ln207 Physical Education Building
Wildlife Biology119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004
Willow Springs400400 CAT601 E Riverside Ave 601 E Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Women's Studies207207 MON532 Study Ln207 Monroe HallCheneyWA99004
Writer's Center100100 LIB320 Media Ln320 Media LnCheneyWA99004
Writer's Center400400 CAT601 N Riverside Ave 601 N Riverside Ave STE 400SpokaneWA99202
Zoology119119 CEB1075 Washington St119 CEBCheneyWA99004