About the Honors Program at EWU

Our Mission

At Eastern Washington University, the Honors Program, a community of scholars, focuses on developing and empowering students to become leaders in using their intellectual passions to generate innovatively and socially just solutions to the local, regional, and global challenges of the 21st century.

Goals for an EWU Honors Education

Critical, analytical, and creative thinking

Effective and articulate oral and written communication

Discipline-appropriate research skills

Leadership, civic responsibility, and social justice

Our Core Values

Through an engaging curriculum, we seek to develop and enhance the academic skills, intellectual curiosity, and commitment to lifelong learning of each student.

We seek to create a shared sense of belonging that explores both the benefits and responsibilities of being a part of a community. Our concept of community applies to not just the Honors Program, but also to EWU, the Eastern Washington region, and beyond.

We believe leadership is an intentionally collaborative process built on the values of individuals working to create positive social change. Rather than a position, we foster leadership that is about choosing actions that create desired change for a better future.

We provide opportunities for students to be civically active and engaged participants in their communities with a strong commitment and responsibility to work with others towards public purposes.

We encourage Honors students to explain the root causes of injustice, discuss effective methods for preventing and responding to injustice, evaluate the implications of different ethical perspectives, and reflect on their own attitudes and beliefs based on experiences with people and communities different from their own.

We encourage Honors students to engage in research in their various disciplines to generate innovative approaches that promote a more just and equitable community.

Benefits of the Honors Program

  • Classes are small, typically 15-20 students, and are taught by excellent faculty
  • Attentive and resourceful staff and faculty will help you navigate challenges while in college
  • Study abroad and other travel opportunities
  • Undergraduate research opportunities that prepare you for graduate school
  • Co-curricular activities to support learning outside the classroom
  • Comfortable and cozy Honors Lounge to eat lunch, meet with other students or faculty, or pick up a book to read
  • Scholarships Opportunities

Paulina Crownhart, an Honors Killin Scholarship recipients, receiving her award from EWU’s mascot, Swoop.

Students in front of Showalter Hall


  • Honors First-Year Experience courses (FYEs) focus your energies and help you see the possibilities in your education and future in small seminar classes with outstanding innovative faculty.
  • Honors Eagle Flight (1 credit) introduces you to the Honors community in your first quarter
  • Honors Social Justice Seminar (5 credits)
  • Honors Global requirement (5 credits)
  • Honors Thesis (in the major)

Students entering with fewer than 90 credits will also be required to take at least one additional honors elective unless doing so will limit progress toward their degree.

Student Experiences

“Participating in the honors program at EWU was an honor for me. I stayed in touch with Wayne and Ildiko over the years and still talk to Terry every now and then.
These professors and classes were an amazing way to begin my journey of collegiate learning. I cannot express enough what an incredible experience it was to be a part of this program. I took this wonderful experience for granted.
Once I returned to Alaska for the remainder of my schooling, I realized how supportive and encouraging the EWU Honors Program really was! Truly, thank you for everything you do.”

Adrienne Whitehead

Contact Us

Natalia Ruiz-Rubio, PhD
Special Assistant to the Provost for Honors
Professor, Modern Languages and Literatures Department
217 Hargreaves Hall
P: 509.359.6305
E: nruizrubio@ewu.edu

Dori Roberts
Honors Coordinator
Student Advisor
217 Hargreaves Hall
P: 509.359.2822
E: honors@ewu.edu