The Academic Programs Assessment Committee (APAC) is a faculty organization committee that oversees the assessment of degree programs.
The General Education Assessment Steering Committee (GEASC) plans, coordinates, and oversees faculty assessment of the GE curriculum.
The Student Affairs Assessment Committee (SAAC) oversees the assessment of the Student Affairs Division.
The four College Assessment Committees oversee assessment of the programs that are housed in their college.
Eastern Washington University has a well developed committee structure for the oversight of assessment. The Academic Programs Assessment Committee (APAC) directs the assessment of academic programs.
APAC, which reports to the Faculty Senate, oversees student learning assessment in degree programs and general education. Each of EWU’s four colleges has an assessment committee. One member of each college committee, usually the chair, sits on APAC to ensure university-wide coordination of academic assessment. In addition, a member of the Undergraduate Affairs Council (UAC) and Graduate Affairs Council (GAC) serve on APAC so that APAC can be apprised of proposals for new academic programs and can consult with the proposal authors on program learning outcomes.
The General Education Assessment Steering Committee reports jointly to APAC and the General Education Committee (GEC), the Faculty Senate committee responsible for GE curriculum.