AHS employs a full time professional staff with various research interests and capabilities who regularly attend and present at regional conferences. AHS archaeologists will be attending the upcoming 2018 Northwest Anthropological Conference, the SAA 83rd Annual Meeting, and the Great Basin Anthropological Conference.
Specializations and professional interests of AHS personnel extend to Northwest archaeology, historical artifact analysis, historical architecture, historical archaeology, GIS, lithic, faunal, and perishables materials analysis, ethnobotany, rock art, geoarchaeology, stable isotope analysis, isotope geochemistry, osteoarchaeology, statistics, 3D modeling and artifact analysis, hunter-gatherer organization, ethnography, and contemporary Native Americans.
AHS staff also consult with experts in other disciplines at EWU, including geography, geology, chemistry, biology, anthropology, American Indian studies, urban and regional planning, architectural engineering, and history. Soils and geologic studies conducted at EWU include granulometric, weight-loss on ignition, petrographic, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES Analysis).