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Advising Appointment Summary Reports

Advising reports are where you can type up a report covering things discussed in your advising session.

Why should you create an Appointment Summary Report when meeting with a student?
• Reminder of the advice given during meetings with students (in person, by email or phone)
• Helps advisors and other student support staff across campus communicate and provide consistent, informed
service to the student
• Create an “institutional memory” of contacts and recommended actions
• Record valuable data on student use of support services and associated outcomes

The content of an Appointment Summary Report aims to communicate:
• For what was the student seeking help?
• What steps were taken to address the student’s concerns?
• What advice and recommendations were made?
• What are agreed-upon follow-up actions?  Were specific referrals made?
• Overall, summarize what you discussed regarding the student’s success.

Having a record in Navigate Staff about advising sessions will allow the others to view what was discussed or recommended to that student. This is especially handy if a student is changing majors or is perhaps double majoring (allowing coordination between two or more advisors or mentors).

For more detailed information on what to include and what to exclude from advising reports, please download the following the word document: Recording Advising Reports and Notes.

You can also refer to Adding Appointment Summaries for Students without an Appointment and Adding Appointment Summaries for Students with an Appointment for instructions on how to enter advising appointment summaries.

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