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International Business, BSB (2023-2024)

International Business

For more details on the program, visit the links below:


The following curriculum map is plan for a new student with zero credits. If you have any transfer work, AP credits, Running Start credits, or any other type of college level coursework, your plan will be different. Please always connect with your advisor and faculty mentor to double check you are on the correct path! Also, if you are required to take pre-university level courses, your plan will be different too.

Year 1

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
ENGL101 College Composition (a)5ENGL201 College Composition5ECON200 Introduction to Microeconomics (c)5
BACR Humanities & Arts 15MATH200 Finite Mathematics (b)5BACR Natural Sciences 23-5
BACR Natural Sciences 15BACR Humanities & Arts 25GEN ED Diversity4-5
Elective General Elective (d)4-5
Credit Total:15Credit Total:15Credit Total:16-18
(a): ENGL101 or ENGL113 & ENGL114 (b): MATH 200 (preferred) or MATH 142 or MATH 161. (c): Satisfies Social Sciences BACR
(d): Take if less than 45 credit hours in the Freshman year

Year 2

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
FL Modern Language 1015FL Modern Language 1025FL Modern Language 1035
ACCT251 Principles of Fin. Accounting – PERMIT5ACCT252 Principles of Management Accounting4ACCT261 Business Law4
DSCI245 Business Statistics 14FINC335 Financial Management4MISC311 Information Technology in Business4
MGMT326 Organization Theory and Behavior4ECON201 Introduction to Macroeconomics (c)5
Credit Total:14Credit Total:17Credit Total:18
(c): Satisfies Social Sciences BACR

Year 3

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
IBUS/MGMT470 International Business (e) – PERMIT4IBUS/MGMT471 International Management (e)4IBUS/FINC474 International Finance Management4
MKTG310 Principles of Marketing4DSCI346 Business Statistics 24IBUS EL IBUS Elective 14-5
OPSM330 Operations Management4FL Foreign Language Minor 300+2-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5
Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5
Credit Total:16-17Credit Total:14-18Credit Total:16-19
(e) Satisfies Global Studies (e) Satisfies Global Studies

Year 4

Fall QuarterCreditsWinter QuarterCreditsSpring QuarterCredits
IBUS/MKTG472 Global Marketing Management4IBUS EL IBUS Elective 24-5MGMT490 Department Senior Capstone4
Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5
Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5
Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5Elective 2nd Major, Minor or General Elective4-5
Credit Total:16-19Credit Total:16-20Credit Total:16-19
Note: Courses may not be available in the term in which they are recommended. Students should prepare alternative plans that will help them continue to make progress toward degree