Academic Reinstatement

Reinstatement Deadlines

Petitions and ALL supporting documentation must be received by the EWU Reinstatement committee by 5 PM on the posted deadline:

Applications for reinstatement are due by the following deadlines:

  • To be reinstated Fall or Summer Quarters, the application is due: April 30.
  • To be reinstated Winter Quarter, the application is due: October 31.
  • To be reinstated Spring Quarter, the application is due: January 31.

*If this is a petition for second reinstatement, dismissed students will be eligible for reinstatement one full year after last term enrolled.

Petitioning for Reinstatement

Academic Reinstatement

Undergraduate students who have been academically dismissed and who wish to return to EWU must petition for academic reinstatement. Before petitioning for academic reinstatement, please review the full Satisfactory Progress Policy.

Students academically dismissed for the first time are eligible for academic reinstatement after remaining out of EWU for one academic quarter (Fall, Winter, or Spring). Students dismissed for a second time are eligible for reinstatement after remaining out of EWU for one calendar year (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer).

Both a first-time and second-time petition submissions need to state your readiness for academic success and reflect a more positive academic position. Successful academic performance at other institutions, such as a community college, helps to demonstrate academic readiness. Think about and describe some of the specific steps you have taken or are going to take to achieve your stated academic goals.

For guidance please contact your advisor.

Financial Aid Reinstatement

Please be aware, academic reinstatement is different from financial aid reinstatement. Furthermore, the approval of a Petition for Academic Reinstatement does not imply that financial aid will be reinstated. For clarification about this please contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships directly for information about financial aid eligibility requirements.

To petition for academic reinstatement

  1. Complete Undergraduate Petition for Academic Reinstatement online form. Please answer the questions on the Petition (as a formal letter), if you need additional space you may upload a PDF document. No more than two (2) pages in length, single-spaced. A handwritten response will NOT be accepted. Please see the Guidelines to Petition for Academic Reinstatement below for tips and suggestions for completing your petition.
  2. Attach official transcripts for any college or university coursework since your last attendance at EWU (or in progress transcripts, if grades are not yet available).
  3. Attach any documentation that may assist the Academic Reinstatement Committee in making their decision (such as a letter from a doctor or lawyer, or a police report).
  4. Undergraduate Students who have been absent from EWU for more than four quarters must apply for re-admission to EWU once their academic reinstatement has been approved. Please visit the Admissions Office website for information about applying as a Returning Undergraduate (former EWU student).
  5. Again, for guidance, think about and describe some of the specific steps you are going to take to achieve your stated academic goals.

Undergraduate Satisfactory Progress Policy

**Graduate students: contact the Graduate Programs Office for academic reinstatement information.**

Refer to EWU’s Undergraduate Policy’s page: Undergraduate Satisfactory Progress Policy

Undergraduate Petition for Academic Reinstatement Guidelines

Petition for Academic Reinstatement 


  1. Petitions must be typed. If documentation is available for extenuating circumstances discussed in the petition please provide (see # 6 below for examples of appropriate documentation). 
  2. Read the instructions on the petition carefully. Compose a brief, direct response for each question. Honest, straightforward answers will be stronger than ones that are unclear or vague. 
  3. Question 1 tips: Be clear and honest about the factors that contributed to your academic ineligibility. What is your story? This is your opportunity to tell the committee what happened. If the factors that contributed to your academic ineligibility are not clearly stated the committee will not have a complete picture of your situation from which to make a decision. Be sure to pay attention to correct spelling and grammar. 
  4. Question 2 tips: Address the factors you wrote about in question one telling how each situation has been resolved or is no longer a problem. Talk about the things you have accomplished or changed that will help you to be academically successful [study groups, Learning Commons and/or tutoring resources, Math Lab, talk with professor, go to class, study more, reduced hours worked, change living environment, sought counseling, successfully attended another college (provide transcripts)for example]. 
  5. Question 3 tips: What are your educational goals? What is your plan or strategy to make sure you will continue to be academically successful? What are you planning to do or change to ensure your progress towards your educational goals? What EWU resources will you use to be successful? 
  6. Here are some appropriate examples of appropriate documentation:
    • Medical reason for student or family memberfor example, letter from doctor stating days missed due to illness, mental health counselor, CPAS, SASS, copy of emergency room visit or hospital stay, newspaper article. 
    • I lost my job, worked too many hours, hours were reduced: letter from employer 
    • Transcripts from institutions you attended since last enrolled at Eastern 
    • Letters of support from faculty or staff at Eastern or friend or family. 
    • Living arrangement changed: copy of lease or eviction; EWU Housing and Residential Life eviction or reason for room/dorm change. 
    • Financial Aid (FA) was delayed: documentation from FA office showing financial aid delayed due to EWU’s or the lender’s error(s) 
    • Death in the family: copy of the obituary and something showing relation to student (letter from parent, or other family member), and student needs to clearly state why it kept them away from school. 
    • Birth of a child: birth certificate 
    • Family matters: describe the family matters and include any appropriate documentation. 
    • Poor academic performance: For example: “I abused my freedom” or “I didn’t manage my time wisely”: Meet with your academic, departmental, or faculty advisor and/or check out student success (Program Leading to University Success – PLUS) services then supply a letter from one or both about your planned discussion for future success. 
    • Divorce; Child Custody Issues; Domestic Violence; Theft; Restraining Ordercourt or police report. 
    • Too involved in Sorority, Fraternity, and EWU Clubs: letter from organization of you stepping down, reducing involvement or contract for study time with the organization 

These materials will be handled in accordance with the Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA). 

Contact Information

Please direct any questions to:

Jossie Brown, Assistant Director, Degree Completion

For academic reinstatement information of Graduate Student refer to the Graduate Studentspolicy 303-22, Chp 4-1 (j)