Haven’t submitted yet? See Submission Guidelines
Poster print deadline: Friday, May 2, 2025, 3:00 pm
Oral presentation preload deadline: Friday, May 2, 2025, 5:00 pm
After your research or creative work submission has been confirmed by the Symposium, use these guidelines to prepare for your poster or oral presentation.
Presentation Information
The deadline to print posters is May 2, 3:00 pm! Early completion is STRONGLY encouraged.
Poster requirements and suggestions
- Posters for the symposium cannot exceed 36” (3 feet or about 92 cm) tall by 48” (4 feet or about 122 cm) wide, or they will not fit on the display. Please see the Symposium Poster Template for an example.
- Posters are generally made in PowerPoint (Microsoft 365 is free to EWU students) or Adobe Illustrator (available in the MultiMedia Commons-MMC), or other apps like Canva.
- Layout should be two or three columns that present from your left to right.
- Use pictures and figures as much as possible to communicate your research. Lots of text will make the readers’ eyes glaze over after a couple of posters.
- Font size should be visible from 3 to 6 feet away so, titles should be at least 50+ point font, with names and affiliations (University, department, City, State) using 40+ point font, abstracts and other text between 24 to 36 point font. Gotham, Arial, Helvetica, or Open Sans are great fonts to use because they have consistent thickness and are simple.
- Use an EWU Logo, Symposium Logo or departmental logos (see your mentor) to help identify where you are from and did the research.
Poster template
- Posters may be printed in the MultiMedia Commons, located on the first floor of JFK Library, at no cost to presenters.
- Print in person at the MultiMedia Commons OR submit online.
- Name poster with the submitter’s NetID ONLY (NOT student ID number; NetID = beginning of EWU email address; example: mfisher22) to be contacted for issues or pick up.
- Do NOT include words like “poster” or “final” or anything other than the NetID of the person submitting and/or responsible for picking up the poster.
- If the file needs to be corrected or updated after the original is submitted, upload the new file titled as “[NetID] corrected” to ensure the correct poster is printed.
- Posters should be submitted in .pdf format only.
- Posters should be formatted as 36″ x 48″ (6000 x 4500 pixels for PowerPoint) or an equivalent proportion.
- If there are issues with a file, the person whose NetID is attached to the poster will be notified. That person will also be notified when their poster is ready to be picked up. That person should be sure to check their email regularly or their poster may not be printed in time for the Symposium.
- Presenters needing to print posters early—before abstract submissions—must contact symposium@ewu.edu. Otherwise the presenter risks paying out of pocket for printing costs.
At the Symposium
Presenters must be available to discuss their work during the times allotted for the poster session.
Please show up at least 15 minutes before the start of your session to set up your poster.
Presentation time
- Presenters have TBD minutes total
- Oral presentations may not exceed TBD minutes
- This leaves TBD minutes for audience questions
Presentation content
- As appropriate to their academic discipline, students may choose to read a paper, or present information using note cards or visual prompts.
- Presenters may enhance their presentations using audio/visual media such as PowerPoint or other computer programs, slides or overheads.
- Presenters are responsible for preparing their own slides and overheads under the direction of their faculty mentors.
- Oral Presentation Template
Loading presentations
Microsoft OneDrive
Preload your presentation by May 2, 5:00 pm.
More information will be sent to presenters.
If not preloaded by the deadline, any preloading during the presentation counts as part of the presentation time.
Presentations should also saved in a backup location online for easy access at the scheduled time of the presentation. Online locations may include:
Google Drive
Service Learning
Identify the connection between the project and the gained personal knowledge (understanding/beliefs/skills) and impact on the community. An abstract is required.
Literary Readings
Literary readings may be original poetry or prose, or readings and analyses of other authors work. The use of visual aids and/or printed copies is not required, but is permitted. A creative works description is required.
Performing/Visual Arts
Presentations of performing/visual arts may include creative activities in music, dance, theatre, drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, or video. A creative works description is required.
Participants may perform up to 15 minutes in one of the following categories: original composition, composition in the style of a specific musical period/style/composer, arrangement, performance, lecture recital, or research and analysis. A piano will be made available upon request but all other instruments and/or equipment must be provided by the participants. A creative works description is required.
Film/Visual Communication Design
Films and visual communication design presentations may be music videos, short films, examples of website designs, or other pre-approved formats (please see your faculty mentor). A creative works description is required.
Participants may present monologues or scenes (up to five actors). Performances may not exceed 15 minutes. A creative works description is required.
The EWU Writers’ Center can provide assistance during your writing process and help with your presentations.
Appointments can be in-person, online, or through Skype.
Learning Commons, JFK Library
Cheney, WA 99004
Phone: 509.359.2779
Writer’s Center website
M-F: 9 AM – 5 PM
Hours may vary
The Multimedia Commons provides printing services, as well as other services such as creating posters and Power-Point or Prezi presentations, along with other multimedia needs.
EWU Research Poster Template
36X48 Poster Presentation
JFK Library, Cheney
Room: Main Floor
Phone: (509) 359-4875
Check Multimedia Commons webpage for current hours.
Presentation FAQ
Oral presentations are limited to TBD minutes: a TBD minute presentation with TBD minutes for questions.
If you would like to see sample posters from previous years, see the 2024 Symposium Collection.
Poster Presenters
Bring your poster to your scheduled time. Posters are to be set up on display boards by the presenter, so please make sure to show up at least 15 minutes early to find a presentation space.
Oral Presenters
Preloading your oral presentation by May 2, 5:00 pm. Presentations should be stored on a USB flash drive or other storage device and also saved in a backup location online (for example, Google Drive or OneDrive) for easy access at the scheduled time of the session, if needed. Please note that any delays caused by file issues will count against your overall presentation time.
While it is not necessary, feel free to bring handouts if you think it may enhance your presentation.
Oral Presenters
We no longer offer preloading or oral presentation files. Presentations should be stored on a USB flash drive or other storage device and also saved in a backup location (for example, in a Netstorage account or Google Drive) online for easy access at the scheduled time of the session. Please note that any delays caused by file issues will count against your overall presentation time.
If you have concerns about the technical operation of your presentation, please email the Symposium Office at symposium@ewu.edu as far in advance of the event as possible.
Extra credit for participation or attendance is given at the discretion of your professors. Many classes are released to attend the oral and poster presentations, as well as the creative works presentations, again at the discretion of each course professor.
If you require a letter or certificate proving you presented at the Symposium, please contact the Symposium Office at symposium@ewu.edu and we will provide you with one.
The schedule including all presentation times and locations, breaks, and other event activities will be available at least one week prior to the event. It will be posted on this website. If you have any questions, please contact the Symposium Office at symposium@ewu.edu.
Don’t forget to arrive at least 30 minutes before your session begins to check in and pick up your name tag and t-shirt.
Absolutely, family and friends are encouraged to attend the Symposium!